Error in Running R script in Shiny

I am trying to make it so that when I run this app, upon initialization the app would call another script so that I have the dataframes available to run the app on. but every time I try I get the error "ERROR: Cannot open the connection" here is the script:

# # server code to get the RAM in Shiny
## the following is an R script I have already made that I need to run when the app gets initialized
## but never run again.  R script in titled "Ram in R.R"
Item <- read.delim("../R&D1/Risk Assessment Model/by_itm9.txt",header = TRUE, sep="|", quote = "", dec = ".",
                  colClasses = c(Root  ="character", DS="character"))
Policy <-read.delim("../R&D1/Risk Assessment Model/by_pol9.txt",header = TRUE,sep="|",quote="",dec = ".",
                    colClasses = c(Root  ="character", DS="character"))
## make the two dataframes match in column order and headers
NewCol1 <- c("Sec", "ItmNo","ItmType")
Policy[NewCol1] <- "All"
Policy <- subset(Policy, select = c(1,40:42,2:34,36:37,35,38:39))
colnames(Policy)[colnames(Policy)=="IndPrem"] <- "CorrPrem"
colnames(Policy)[colnames(Policy)=="Terr"] <- "Territory"
colnames(Item)[colnames(Item)=="CombISCorr"] <- "ISCorr"
colnames(Item)[colnames(Item)=="Prem"] <- "ActPrem"
colnames(Item)[colnames(Item)=="Corr"] <- "CorrFac"
## end of R script

#source("RAM in R.R", local = TRUE)
#define UI dataset viewer application
ui<- fluidPage(
    #Application title
    headerPanel("R.A.M. Results"),
    #Sidebar with controls to select a dataset and specify root numbers.
        textInput(inputId = "root",label = NULL ,placeholder = "Enter Root number here"),
          tags$em("Note:  The root number must include all 6 digits e.g. 000107")
      fluidRow( # made check boxes to allow users to view data in multiple ways.
          8, checkboxGroupInput(inputId = "mods",label = "Options", choices = c("All Policy Items","Expand Table"), 
                                selected = "All Policy Items", inline = FALSE)
          4,offset = 8, actionButton(inputId = "go", label = "Update")
          style = "font-size:70%; width:50%")
server <- function(input,output) {
  #the eventReactive code is the delayed reaction.
  root1 <- eventReactive(input$go, {input$root})
  PolSummary <- reactive({
    if ("Expand Table" %in% input$mods) {  
      policyDetails <- reactive({
        Policy[Policy$Root == root1(),c(2:9,12:14,17,19,21:23,25:26,29,32,34,36:42)]
      }) # IF we want DS number (i.e. 1,2,3) add in column 18
      ItemDetails <- reactive({
        Item[Item$Root == root1(), c(2:9,25:26,35,46,54,62:63,72,74,83,98,109,120,126:132)]
    } else if (!"Expand Table" %in% input$mods) {
      policyDetails <- reactive({
        Policy[Policy$Root == root1(),c(2:9,12:14,21,32,37:40)]
      }) # IF we want DS number (i.e. 1,2,3) add in column 18
      ItemDetails <- reactive({
        Item[Item$Root == root1(), c(2:9,25:26,35,62,109,127:130)]
          ISCorr = color_bar('red')
    # IF we want DS number (i.e. 1,2,3) add in column 47
    #the if else statment allows to look at just the policy summary data or look at everything, 
    #if we remove this keep the rbind line "THIS ONE" only 
    #(rbind (policyDetails(),ItemDetails(),deparse.level = 1)
    if ("All Policy Items" %in% input$mods) {
      rbind(policyDetails(),ItemDetails(),deparse.level = 1) #THIS ONE
    } else if (!"All Policy Items" %in% input$mods) {
      rbind(policyDetails(),deparse.level = 1)    
  output$RAMResults  <- DT::renderDataTable({
    if("Expand Table" %in% input$mods) {
      DT::datatable(PolSummary(), rownames = FALSE, extensions = c('Buttons','FixedHeader'), options = list( 
        lengthMenu = c(10,25,50), pageLength = 50, class = 'cell-border', fixedHeader = TRUE, dom = 'Bfrtip', buttons = list(list(extend = 'colvis', columns = c(7:25)))
      ) %>%formatStyle(c('ISCorr','LoyCorr','PmtCorr','DSCorr','ItmAgeCorr','TerrCorr','IRPMCorr','InsAgeCorr','LRCorr','PCCorr','PolSizeCorr','CorrFac'),
          color = styleInterval(c(.95,.99999,1.0,1.05),c('white','black','black','black','white')), 
          backgroundColor = styleInterval(c(.85,.95,.99999,1.0,1.05,1.15),c('darkgreen','green','lightgreen','white','pink','red','darkred')), fontWeight = 'bold' 
    } else if (!"Expand Table" %in% input$mods) {
      DT::datatable(PolSummary(), rownames = FALSE, extensions = c('Buttons','FixedHeader'), options = list( 
        lengthMenu = c(10,25,50), pageLength = 50, class = 'cell-border', fixedHeader = TRUE, dom = 'Bfrtip', buttons = list(list(extend = 'colvis', columns = c(7:16)))
      ) %>%formatStyle(c('ISCorr','LoyCorr','ItmAgeCorr','LRCorr','CorrFac'),color = styleInterval(c(.95,.99999,1.0,1.05),
          c('white','black','black','black','white')), backgroundColor = styleInterval(c(.85,.95,.99999,1.0,1.05,1.15),
          c('darkgreen','green','lightgreen','white','pink','red','darkred')), fontWeight = 'bold' 
#run the ui and server in the same tab and be able to save it with unique identifying names.
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

You can rename 'Ram in R.R' to global.R and put global.R in the same directory as app.R. Shiny will source global.R automatically (see 14.8 in

so i've renamed the script 'global.R' and it is saved in the same place as my app (titled 'Ram Shiny'), if the source("global.R", local = FALSE) in before the ui code or in the ui code I still get the same error...

#tried it here too....
#define UI dataset viewer application
ui<- fluidPage(
  source("global.R", local = FALSE),
    #Application title
    headerPanel("R.A.M. Results"),
    ... (code continues)

You don't need to explicitly source global.R. Also, I usually just put the data in the app directory. Maybe your path names are the problem. This might help:

I've moved the data to the same directory, I have changed the name of the script to app.R, I have the global.R script pulling the data from that director, if I don't source global.R directly the app pulls up but doesn't work as it has no data behind it, if I source it directly it gives the error again.....

From Shiny - Scoping rules for Shiny apps

Global objects

Objects defined in global.R are similar to those defined in app.R outside of the server function definition, with one important difference: they are also visible to the code in the ui object. This is because they are loaded into the global environment of the R session; all R code in a Shiny app is run in the global environment or a child of it.

Not sure why your app isn't displaying the data correctly.

when I moved everything over into the same directory I ddidn't make the necessary corrections. I figured out that bad code and now it all works thanks for the help!

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