Error in solve.default(A) : system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 0

> res <- mv_fx(smp, .model = 'DCC', .solver = 'solnp', .currency = cr_code[7],#[i], 
+              .price_type = 'HLC', .VAR = FALSE, .cluster = .cl)
 Error in solve.default(A) : system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 0 
9. solve.default(A) 
8. solve(A) 
7. .dccmakefitmodel(garchmodel = "dccstudent", f = student.dccLLH2, 
    arglist = arglist, timer = 0, message = sol$message, fname = "student.dccLLH2") 
6. .dccfit(spec = spec, data = data, out.sample = out.sample, solver = solver, 
    solver.control = solver.control, fit.control = fit.control, 
    cluster = cluster, fit = fit, =, realizedVol = realizedVol, 
5. dccfit(dccSpec, data = mbase, solver = .solver, cluster = cl, = vfit) 
4. dccfit(dccSpec, data = mbase, solver = .solver, cluster = cl, = vfit) 
3. `_f`(mbase = mbase, .mv.model = .mv.model, .model = .model, .VAR = .VAR, 
    .dist.model = .dist.model, .currency = .currency, .ahead = .ahead, 
    .price_type = .price_type, .solver = .solver, .roll = .roll, 
    .cluster = .cluster) 
2. withVisible(`_f`(mbase = mbase, .mv.model = .mv.model, .model = .model, 
    .VAR = .VAR, .dist.model = .dist.model, .currency = .currency, 
    .ahead = .ahead, .price_type = .price_type, .solver = .solver, 
    .roll = .roll, .cluster = .cluster)) 
1. mv_fx(smp, .model = "DCC", .solver = "solnp", .currency = cr_code[7], 
    .price_type = "HLC", .VAR = FALSE, .cluster = .cl) 

I never changed executable codes but suddently faced above issues today. Refer to below article doesn't helps.


I ran into the same problem with a graph (network) routine the other day. It's a matrix thing. See the SO solution for an explanation.