Error in U[, i] : subscript out of bounds

Hi community,
I am using package BGLR and i am encountering the error as mentioned in the subject-
My scripts and error is as below
Please help me out with the error. Thanks in advance

[1] 164 10458
[1] 164 1
[1] 10458
[1] 1
for(i in 1:ncol(X)){

  • fm=BGLR(y=U[,i],ETA=ETA,verbose=F) #use more iterations!
  • B[,i]=fm$ETA[[1]]$b
  • }
    Error in U[, i] : subscript out of bounds

You do not show where U is defined so it is hard to say what the problem is. Does U have at least 10458 columns?

Thanks for your response,
The U is from

Singular value decompositions Y=UDV'

Where the dimensions of U is

[1] 164 1

Even if I change the iterations to 1:150 I am having the same error

for(i in 1:ncol(X)){

  • fm=BGLR(y=U[,i],ETA=ETA,verbose=F) #use more iterations!
  • B[,i]=fm$ETA[[1]]$b
  • }
    Error in U[, i] : subscript out of bounds

for(i in 1:150){

  • fm=BGLR(y=U[,i],ETA=ETA,verbose=F) #use more iterations!
  • B[,i]=fm$ETA[[1]]$b
  • }
    Error in U[, i] : subscript out of bounds

This result

[1] 164 1

shows that U has one column. When your use the subscript i in U[, i], i can only have the value 1.

the U have 164 values attached. for your reference

I agree that U has 164 values but they are all in one column, You can iterate over them by changing the value of i in U[i, 1]. Notice that the i is placed before the comma.

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