Error in WHERE Syntax using GLUE package

Hi people!

I need to do a "WHERE" filter in my code using GLUE package, like that:

df <- dbGetQuery(
      query <- glue(
        round ((aust.DTH_DESENFORNAMENTO - aust.dth_enfornamento),7)*1440 as HF
        qt_qts.res_tubo_austenitizacao aust

       HF between 'input$time1' and 'input$time2' <----------------- THE ERROR

But it show that HF is not recognized in my code. So, i tried to put the full name (aust.DTH_DESENFORNAMENTO - aust.dth_enfornamento) and it worked... BUT, i need to put the full expression, what converts the time to seconds (((aust.DTH_DESENFORNAMENTO - aust.dth_enfornamento),7)*1440). That way, an error appear, cause of the expression.
I'm using ORACLE database

How can I refeer to the HF time with no error in my code?

The reference to the HF column looks legit; it rather seems you have a problem with gluing the query string together.

I would suggest splitting your code into two steps:

  • constructing the query string first
  • and only then applying it

That way you can isolate the query string (either via printing or using browser()) and debug it in your favorite DB management kit.

I suspect you might want to convert the contents of the input fields to numbers, and your usage of single and double quotes feels wrong, but I am not a glue expert.

query <- glue(
        round ((aust.DTH_DESENFORNAMENTO - aust.dth_enfornamento),7)*1440 as HF
        qt_qts.res_tubo_austenitizacao aust

       HF between 'input$time1' and 'input$time2' ")

# stop right here! - browser() or what not

df <- dbGetQuery(

You need to use braces to have glue convert the variable names to values, e.g. it should be '{input$time1}'

Also if you plan to do more construction of SQL strings with glue I would encourage you to explore using glue_sql() which is designed for this purpose.


This is similar to your other question, so use braces {} and construct the sql query inside a reactive function that way you would have access to input.

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Guys, thanks for the help.

It worked that way:

ROUND((aust.DTH_DESENFORNAMENTO - aust.dth_enfornamento),7)*1440 between '{input$time1}' and '{input$time2}'`

I just need to put the ROUND inside the WHERE condition.

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