Error installing flipRegression package from GitHub

Hello! I'm fairly new to R and I'm trying to install the flipRegression GitHub package.

install_github("Displayr/flipRegression", dependencies = NA)

At first it gives me the following error:

Error: Failed to install 'unknown package' from GitHub:
  HTTP error 403.
  API rate limit exceeded for (But here's the good news: Authenticated requests get a higher rate limit. Check out the documentation for more details.)

  Rate limit remaining: 0/60
  Rate limit reset at: 2021-03-30 23:03:25 UTC

  To increase your GitHub API rate limit
  - Use `usethis::browse_github_pat()` to create a Personal Access Token.
  - Use `usethis::edit_r_environ()` and add the token as `GITHUB_PAT`.

I created a PAT and ran the following:


Now, when I try to install the package again, I get prompts to update packages and the following error:

> install_github("Displayr/flipRegression", dependencies = NA)
Using github PAT from envvar GITHUB_PAT
Downloading GitHub repo Displayr/flipRegression@HEAD
These packages have more recent versions available.
It is recommended to update all of them.
Which would you like to update?

 1: All                                            
 2: CRAN packages only                             
 3: None                                           
 4: utf8         (1.1.4       -> 1.2.1     ) [CRAN]
 5: crayon       (1.3.4       -> 1.4.1     ) [CRAN]
 6: cli          (2.0.2       -> 2.3.1     ) [CRAN]
 7: vctrs        (0.3.4       -> 0.3.7     ) [CRAN]
 8: pillar       (1.4.6       -> 1.5.1     ) [CRAN]
 9: fansi        (0.4.1       -> 0.4.2     ) [CRAN]
10: lifecycle    (0.2.0       -> 1.0.0     ) [CRAN]
11: labeling     (0.3         -> 0.4.2     ) [CRAN]
12: farver       (2.0.3       -> 2.1.0     ) [CRAN]
13: tibble       (3.0.3       -> 3.1.0     ) [CRAN]
14: isoband      (0.2.2       -> 0.2.4     ) [CRAN]
15: statmod      (1.4.34      -> 1.4.35    ) [CRAN]
16: cpp11        (0.2.1       -> 0.2.7     ) [CRAN]
17: BH           (1.72.0-3    -> 1.75.0-0  ) [CRAN]
18: clipr        (0.7.0       -> 0.7.1     ) [CRAN]
19: readr        (1.3.1       -> 1.4.0     ) [CRAN]
20: hms          (0.5.3       -> 1.0.0     ) [CRAN]
21: forcats      (0.5.0       -> 0.5.1     ) [CRAN]
22: openxlsx     (4.1.5       -> 4.2.3     ) [CRAN]
23: sp           (1.4-2       -> 1.4-5     ) [CRAN]
24: RcppArmad... (0.9.900.2.0 -> [CRAN]
25: matrixStats  (0.56.0      -> 0.58.0    ) [CRAN]
26: MatrixModels (0.4-1       -> 0.5-0     ) [CRAN]
27: SparseM      (1.78        -> 1.81      ) [CRAN]
28: mime         (0.9         -> 0.10      ) [CRAN]
29: tidyr        (1.1.2       -> 1.1.3     ) [CRAN]
30: backports    (1.1.9       -> 1.2.1     ) [CRAN]
31: knitr        (1.29        -> 1.31      ) [CRAN]
32: dplyr        (1.0.2       -> 1.0.5     ) [CRAN]
33: broom        (0.7.0       -> 0.7.5     ) [CRAN]
34: lme4         (1.1-23      -> 1.1-26    ) [CRAN]
35: ggplot2      (3.3.2       -> 3.3.3     ) [CRAN]
36: rio          (0.5.16      -> 0.5.26    ) [CRAN]
37: maptools     (1.0-2       -> 1.1-1     ) [CRAN]
38: quantreg     (5.61        -> 5.85      ) [CRAN]
39: pbkrtest     (0.4-8.6     -> 0.5.1     ) [CRAN]
40: car          (3.0-9       -> 3.0-10    ) [CRAN]

Enter one or more numbers, or an empty line to skip updates:1
flipStand... (NA          -> 7119ca1a8...) [GitHub]
flipStati... (NA          -> 1d027d64a...) [GitHub]
rhtmlHeatmap (NA          -> 1ff603cff...) [GitHub]
utf8         (1.1.4       -> 1.2.1       ) [CRAN]
crayon       (1.3.4       -> 1.4.1       ) [CRAN]
cli          (2.0.2       -> 2.3.1       ) [CRAN]
vctrs        (0.3.4       -> 0.3.7       ) [CRAN]
pillar       (1.4.6       -> 1.5.1       ) [CRAN]
fansi        (0.4.1       -> 0.4.2       ) [CRAN]
lifecycle    (0.2.0       -> 1.0.0       ) [CRAN]
labeling     (0.3         -> 0.4.2       ) [CRAN]
farver       (2.0.3       -> 2.1.0       ) [CRAN]
tibble       (3.0.3       -> 3.1.0       ) [CRAN]
isoband      (0.2.2       -> 0.2.4       ) [CRAN]
tmvnsim      (NA          -> 1.0-2       ) [CRAN]
statmod      (1.4.34      -> 1.4.35      ) [CRAN]
cpp11        (0.2.1       -> 0.2.7       ) [CRAN]
BH           (1.72.0-3    -> 1.75.0-0    ) [CRAN]
clipr        (0.7.0       -> 0.7.1       ) [CRAN]
readr        (1.3.1       -> 1.4.0       ) [CRAN]
hms          (0.5.3       -> 1.0.0       ) [CRAN]
forcats      (0.5.0       -> 0.5.1       ) [CRAN]
openxlsx     (4.1.5       -> 4.2.3       ) [CRAN]
sp           (1.4-2       -> 1.4-5       ) [CRAN]
RcppArmad... (0.9.900.2.0 ->  ) [CRAN]
matrixStats  (0.56.0      -> 0.58.0      ) [CRAN]
MatrixModels (0.4-1       -> 0.5-0       ) [CRAN]
SparseM      (1.78        -> 1.81        ) [CRAN]
mime         (0.9         -> 0.10        ) [CRAN]
tidyr        (1.1.2       -> 1.1.3       ) [CRAN]
backports    (1.1.9       -> 1.2.1       ) [CRAN]
knitr        (1.29        -> 1.31        ) [CRAN]
dplyr        (1.0.2       -> 1.0.5       ) [CRAN]
broom        (0.7.0       -> 0.7.5       ) [CRAN]
lme4         (1.1-23      -> 1.1-26      ) [CRAN]
gridExtra    (NA          -> 2.3         ) [CRAN]
goftest      (NA          -> 1.2-2       ) [CRAN]
ggplot2      (3.3.2       -> 3.3.3       ) [CRAN]
mnormt       (NA          -> 2.0.2       ) [CRAN]
zoo          (NA          -> 1.8-9       ) [CRAN]
insight      (NA          -> 0.13.1      ) [CRAN]
estimability (NA          -> 1.3         ) [CRAN]
rio          (0.5.16      -> 0.5.26      ) [CRAN]
maptools     (1.0-2       -> 1.1-1       ) [CRAN]
quantreg     (5.61        -> 5.85        ) [CRAN]
pbkrtest     (0.4-8.6     -> 0.5.1       ) [CRAN]
sure         (NA          -> 0.2.0       ) [CRAN]
psych        (NA          -> 2.1.3       ) [CRAN]
lmtest       (NA          -> 0.9-38      ) [CRAN]
effects      (NA          -> 4.2-0       ) [CRAN]
car          (3.0-9       -> 3.0-10      ) [CRAN]
Downloading GitHub repo Displayr/flipStandardCharts@HEAD
These packages have more recent versions available.
It is recommended to update all of them.
Which would you like to update?

 1: All                                           
 2: CRAN packages only                            
 3: None                                          
 4: plotly     (4.9.3    -> be2dfc165...) [GitHub]
 5: BH         (1.72.0-3 -> 1.75.0-0    ) [CRAN]  
 6: utf8       (1.1.4    -> 1.2.1       ) [CRAN]  
 7: crayon     (1.3.4    -> 1.4.1       ) [CRAN]  
 8: cli        (2.0.2    -> 2.3.1       ) [CRAN]  
 9: vctrs      (0.3.4    -> 0.3.7       ) [CRAN]  
10: pillar     (1.4.6    -> 1.5.1       ) [CRAN]  
11: lifecycle  (0.2.0    -> 1.0.0       ) [CRAN]  
12: fansi      (0.4.1    -> 0.4.2       ) [CRAN]  
13: tibble     (3.0.3    -> 3.1.0       ) [CRAN]  
14: cpp11      (0.2.1    -> 0.2.7       ) [CRAN]  
15: dplyr      (1.0.2    -> 1.0.5       ) [CRAN]  
16: openssl    (1.4.2    -> 1.4.3       ) [CRAN]  
17: mime       (0.9      -> 0.10        ) [CRAN]  
18: labeling   (0.3      -> 0.4.2       ) [CRAN]  
19: farver     (2.0.3    -> 2.1.0       ) [CRAN]  
20: sp         (1.4-2    -> 1.4-5       ) [CRAN]  
21: isoband    (0.2.2    -> 0.2.4       ) [CRAN]  
22: ggplot2    (3.3.2    -> 3.3.3       ) [CRAN]  
23: backports  (1.1.9    -> 1.2.1       ) [CRAN]  
24: rstudioapi (0.11     -> 0.13        ) [CRAN]  
25: knitr      (1.29     -> 1.31        ) [CRAN]  
26: tidyr      (1.1.2    -> 1.1.3       ) [CRAN]  

Enter one or more numbers, or an empty line to skip updates:1
plotly       (4.9.3    -> be2dfc165...) [GitHub]
rhtmlDonut   (NA       -> 84ef77e1b...) [GitHub]
rhtmlHeatmap (NA       -> 1ff603cff...) [GitHub]
rhtmlLabe... (NA       -> b61780212...) [GitHub]
rhtmlPalm... (NA       -> 23ad6189e...) [GitHub]
d3vennR      (NA       -> 657b174eb...) [GitHub]
dygraphs     (NA       -> b62eade1d...) [GitHub]
streamgraph  (NA       -> 76f7173ec...) [GitHub]
parcoords    (NA       -> 324d00b89...) [GitHub]
BH           (1.72.0-3 -> 1.75.0-0    ) [CRAN]
utf8         (1.1.4    -> 1.2.1       ) [CRAN]
crayon       (1.3.4    -> 1.4.1       ) [CRAN]
cli          (2.0.2    -> 2.3.1       ) [CRAN]
vctrs        (0.3.4    -> 0.3.7       ) [CRAN]
pillar       (1.4.6    -> 1.5.1       ) [CRAN]
lifecycle    (0.2.0    -> 1.0.0       ) [CRAN]
fansi        (0.4.1    -> 0.4.2       ) [CRAN]
tibble       (3.0.3    -> 3.1.0       ) [CRAN]
cpp11        (0.2.1    -> 0.2.7       ) [CRAN]
dplyr        (1.0.2    -> 1.0.5       ) [CRAN]
openssl      (1.4.2    -> 1.4.3       ) [CRAN]
mime         (0.9      -> 0.10        ) [CRAN]
labeling     (0.3      -> 0.4.2       ) [CRAN]
farver       (2.0.3    -> 2.1.0       ) [CRAN]
sp           (1.4-2    -> 1.4-5       ) [CRAN]
isoband      (0.2.2    -> 0.2.4       ) [CRAN]
gridExtra    (NA       -> 2.3         ) [CRAN]
ggplot2      (3.3.2    -> 3.3.3       ) [CRAN]
backports    (1.1.9    -> 1.2.1       ) [CRAN]
rstudioapi   (0.11     -> 0.13        ) [CRAN]
checkmate    (NA       -> 2.0.0       ) [CRAN]
knitr        (1.29     -> 1.31        ) [CRAN]
jpeg         (NA       -> 0.1-8.1     ) [CRAN]
png          (NA       -> 0.1-7       ) [CRAN]
zoo          (NA       -> 1.8-9       ) [CRAN]
tidyr        (1.1.2    -> 1.1.3       ) [CRAN]
leaflet.p... (NA       -> 1.9.0       ) [CRAN]
viridis      (NA       -> 0.5.1       ) [CRAN]
raster       (NA       -> 3.4-5       ) [CRAN]
htmlTable    (NA       -> 2.1.0       ) [CRAN]
latticeExtra (NA       -> 0.6-29      ) [CRAN]
Formula      (NA       -> 1.2-4       ) [CRAN]
xts          (NA       -> 0.12.1      ) [CRAN]
pryr         (NA       -> 0.1.4       ) [CRAN]
leaflet      (NA       ->     ) [CRAN]
Hmisc        (NA       -> 4.5-0       ) [CRAN]
Downloading GitHub repo Displayr/rhtmlDonut@HEAD
√  checking for file 'C:\Users\slam\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpgZrCzp\remotes3a3450e74373\Displayr-rhtmlDonut-84ef77e/DESCRIPTION' (517ms)
   Warning in file.copy(pkgname, Tdir, recursive = TRUE, = TRUE) :
     problem copying .\Displayr-rhtmlDonut-84ef77e\theSrc\test\snapshots\local\master\testPlans\representative_examples_misc_1000x1000\representative_examples_misc_1000x1000_data_misc_australian_city_populations-snap.png to C:\Users\slam\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpC6nDsB\Rbuild15746c7c4b2\Displayr-rhtmlDonut-84ef77e\theSrc\test\snapshots\local\master\testPlans\representative_examples_misc_1000x1000\representative_examples_misc_1000x1000_data_misc_australian_city_populations-snap.png: No such file or directory
   Warning in file.copy(pkgname, Tdir, recursive = TRUE, = TRUE) :
     problem copying .\Displayr-rhtmlDonut-84ef77e\theSrc\test\snapshots\local\master\testPlans\representative_examples_misc_1000x1000\representative_examples_misc_1000x1000_data_misc_browser_stats_innerlabels2-snap.png to C:\Users\slam\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpC6nDsB\Rbuild15746c7c4b2\Displayr-rhtmlDonut-84ef77e\theSrc\test\snapshots\local\master\testPlans\representative_examples_misc_1000x1000\representative_examples_misc_1000x1000_data_misc_browser_stats_innerlabels2-snap.png: No such file or directory
   Warning in file.copy(pkgname, Tdir, recursive = TRUE, = TRUE) :
     over-long path
   Warning in file.copy(pkgname, Tdir, recursive = TRUE, = TRUE) :
     over-long path
   Warning in file.copy(pkgname, Tdir, recursive = TRUE, = TRUE) :
     over-long path
   Warning in file.copy(pkgname, Tdir, recursive = TRUE, = TRUE) :
     problem copying .\Displayr-rhtmlDonut-84ef77e\theSrc\test\snapshots\local\master\testPlans\representative_examples_misc_1000x1000\representative_examples_misc_1000x1000_data_misc_usage_example_diet_survey-snap.png to C:\Users\slam\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpC6nDsB\Rbuild15746c7c4b2\Displayr-rhtmlDonut-84ef77e\theSrc\test\snapshots\local\master\testPlans\representative_examples_misc_1000x1000\representative_examples_misc_1000x1000_data_misc_usage_example_diet_survey-snap.png: No such file or directory
   Warning in file.copy(pkgname, Tdir, recursive = TRUE, = TRUE) :
     over-long path
   Warning in file.copy(pkgname, Tdir, recursive = TRUE, = TRUE) :
     problem copying .\Displayr-rhtmlDonut-84ef77e\theSrc\test\snapshots\local\master\testPlans\representative_examples_misc_1000x1000\representative_examples_misc_1000x1000_data_misc_usage_example_powers_of_2-snap.png to C:\Users\slam\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpC6nDsB\Rbuild15746c7c4b2\Displayr-rhtmlDonut-84ef77e\theSrc\test\snapshots\local\master\testPlans\representative_examples_misc_1000x1000\representative_examples_misc_1000x1000_data_misc_usage_example_powers_of_2-snap.png: No such file or directory
   Warning in file.copy(pkgname, Tdir, recursive = TRUE, = TRUE) :
     problem copying .\Displayr-rhtmlDonut-84ef77e\theSrc\test\snapshots\local\master\testPlans\representative_examples_misc_600x600\representative_examples_misc_600x600_data_misc_coke_zero_sentiment_unsorted-snap.png to C:\Users\slam\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpC6nDsB\Rbuild15746c7c4b2\Displayr-rhtmlDonut-84ef77e\theSrc\test\snapshots\local\master\testPlans\representative_examples_misc_600x600\representative_examples_misc_600x600_data_misc_coke_zero_sentiment_unsorted-snap.png: No such file or directory
   Warning in file.copy(pkgname, Tdir, recursive = TRUE, = TRUE) :
     problem copying .\Displayr-rhtmlDonut-84ef77e\theSrc\test\snapshots\local\master\testPlans\representative_examples_misc_600x600\representative_examples_misc_600x600_data_misc_diet_pepsi_sentiment_unsorted-snap.png to C:\Users\slam\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpC6nDsB\Rbuild15746c7c4b2\Displayr-rhtmlDonut-84ef77e\theSrc\test\snapshots\local\master\testPlans\representative_examples_misc_600x600\representative_examples_misc_600x600_data_misc_diet_pepsi_sentiment_unsorted-snap.png: No such file or directory
   Warning in file.copy(pkgname, Tdir, recursive = TRUE, = TRUE) :
     over-long path
   Warning in file.copy(pkgname, Tdir, recursive = TRUE, = TRUE) :
     problem copying .\Displayr-rhtmlDonut-84ef77e\theSrc\test\snapshots\local\master\testPlans\representative_examples_misc_600x600\representative_examples_misc_600x600_data_misc_usage_example_employment_types-snap.png to C:\Users\slam\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpC6nDsB\Rbuild15746c7c4b2\Displayr-rhtmlDonut-84ef77e\theSrc\test\snapshots\local\master\testPlans\representative_examples_misc_600x600\representative_examples_misc_600x600_data_misc_usage_example_employment_types-snap.png: No such file or directory
   copying to build directory failed
Error: Failed to install 'flipRegression' from GitHub:
  Failed to install 'flipStandardCharts' from GitHub:
  Failed to install 'rhtmlDonut' from GitHub:
  System command 'Rcmd.exe' failed, exit status: 1, stdout + stderr (last 10 lines):
E> Warning in file.copy(pkgname, Tdir, recursive = TRUE, = TRUE) :
E>   problem copying .\Displayr-rhtmlDonut-84ef77e\theSrc\test\snapshots\local\master\testPlans\representative_examples_misc_600x600\representative_examples_misc_600x600_data_misc_coke_zero_sentiment_unsorted-snap.png to C:\Users\slam\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpC6nDsB\Rbuild15746c7c4b2\Displayr-rhtmlDonut-84ef77e\theSrc\test\snapshots\local\master\testPlans\representative_examples_misc_600x600\representative_examples_misc_600x600_data_misc_coke_zero_sentiment_unsorted-snap.png: No such file or directory
E> Warning in file.copy(pkgname, Tdir, recursive = TRUE, = TRUE) :
E>   problem copying .\Displayr-rhtmlDonut-84ef77e\theSrc\test\snapshots\local\master\testPlans\repr

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

This topic was automatically closed 21 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed.

If you have a query related to it or one of the replies, start a new topic and refer back with a link.