Error on Ddply function

I am a learner in R. So, I was trying to use/learn Ddply function of Plyr package and do some simple finding Minimum value based on Group steps but I found the below error. Though I know there are other ways to get the desired result.

ec_max <- ddply(AEC, .(Subject Identifier for the Study), summarise, min_vis = min(Visit Number, na.rm = TRUE))
when I use the above statement I get "Inf" for the Min_vis column as there are missing value present.
So I use the below steps to try out the ignore missing value and replace with 0

ec_max <- ddply(AEC, .(Subject Identifier for the Study), summarise, min_vis = function(x) {ifelse(!$Visit Number), min(x$Visit Number), 0 )})

but this statement gives the below error

Error in vector(type, length) :
vector: cannot make a vector of mode 'closure'.
I would like to know what is this error and how to get rid of this error?

My data looks like this
|Subject Identifier for the Study|Visit Number|Visit Name|
|123|5|Week 5|
|123|6|Week 6|
|123|7|Week 7|
|123|8|Week 8|
|123|9|Week 9|
|124|5|Week 5|
|124|8|Week 8|
|124|9|Week 9|
|124|18|Week 18|
|125|4|Week 4|
|125|5|Week 5|
|125|9|Week 9|
|125|15|Week 15|
|125|16|Week 16|

what does it show when you

table(AEC$`Visit Number`)


because I don't see how its possible to get Inf from using min function, on any numeric vector that isnt entirely filled with Inf values.... Scratching my head

ya You are correct.
I am getting Inf not for all records but for those subjects where visit number is totally missing for the below code
ec_max <- ddply(AEC, .( Subject Identifier for the Study ), summarise, min_vis = min( Visit Number , na.rm = TRUE))
thats why i tried out
ec_max <- ddply(AEC, .( Subject Identifier for the Study ), summarise, min_vis = function(x) {ifelse(!$ Visit Number ), min(x$ Visit Number ), 0 )})
but this code is throwing
Error in vector(type, length) :
vector: cannot make a vector of mode 'closure'.

Thanks a lot..

If I was in your shoes, rather than write a length anonymous function I would preprocess AEC (or at least make a temporary AEC2, where I simple replace all NA's with zero, before invoking ddply().

sjmisc package has an excellent helper function


ok, Thanks for your reply. will try the same. But could you please explain what the error statement actually means, how can i debug such error..

here, take a look at this


# example data
dfx <- data.frame(
  group = c(rep('A', 8), rep('B', 15), rep('C', 6)),
  sex = sample(c("M", "F"), size = 29, replace = TRUE),
  age = runif(n = 29, min = 18, max = 54)
#making one of the groups entirely NA on age
  dfx$age <- ifelse(dfx$group=="C" & dfx$sex=='M',NA_real_,dfx$age)

# the problem
ddply(dfx, .(group, sex), summarize,
      mean = round(mean(age), 2),
      sd = round(sd(age), 2),
      min = min(age,na.rm=TRUE))

#a solution with an explicit custom function

mymin <- function(x) {min(ifelse(,0,x))}
ddply(dfx, .(group, sex), summarize,
      mean = round(mean(age), 2),
      sd = round(sd(age), 2),
      mymin = mymin(age))

# could you make it fully anonymous? but then how to pass age to it ?
ddply(dfx, .(group, sex), summarize,
      mean = round(mean(age), 2),
      sd = round(sd(age), 2),
      mymin = function(x) {min(ifelse(,0,x))})
#how does it know we want to pass (age))
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Thanks a lot for your detailed explanation I am overwhelmed.., I just would like to clarify one thing.. How the Function(x) gets resolve in an Anonymous function. means what argument generally pass ? does x resolves to dfx for the below code and if so then why cant we use x$age? you can give any other apply function example as well.. it is kind of my general doubt.
Sorry for my silly doubts may be..
ddply(dfx, .(group, sex), summarize,
mean = round(mean(age), 2),
sd = round(sd(age), 2),
mymin = function(x) {min(ifelse(,0,x))})

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