Error when assigning data to new column in ShinyApp datatable: replacement has 0 rows

Everything works until I try to assign pmin to a new column; at which point I get the error "replacement has 0 rows, data has 70." If I take out the line where I marked "#here", I would get two tabs of interactive ShinyApp tables. What do I do? Is this a ShinyApp problem or dataframe or did I do anything that I should not have done?

   ui <- fluidPage(
                            # Layout
                            width = 3,
                            # Input: Simple integer interval ----
                            numericInput("a_b", "A.ratio1:",0.05)
                          ), # sidebarPanel
                            width = 9,
                            # Output: Table summarizing the values entered ----
                            tabPanel("Berlin", tableOutput("data_Berlin"))
                          ) # mainPanel
                 ), # Berlin, tabPanel
                            # Layout
                            width = 3,
                            # Input: Simple integer interval ----
                            numericInput("a_c", "A.ratio1:",0.05)
                          ), # sidebarPanel
                            width = 9,
                            # Output: Table summarizing the values entered ----
                            tabPanel("China", tableOutput("data_China"))
                          ) # mainPanel
                 ) # China, tabPanel
      ) # navbarPage
    ) # fluid page
    server <- function(input, output) {
      output$data_Berlin <- renderTable({
        # Process
        berlin_table$MAX <- berlin_table$avg*input$a_b
      }, bordered=TRUE, digits=5)
      output$data_China <- renderTable({
        # Process
        china_table$MIN <- pmin(china_table$lim,input$a_c)  #here
      }, bordered=TRUE, digits=5)
    shinyApp(ui, server)

It's a problem with your dataframe. My advice is to test your "#here" line outside your shiny app and check the output of the pmin function.
I don't have access to your data, but I can get a similar error using code below, this might give you an idea what could be wrong.
mtcars$test <- pmin(NULL, mtcars$cyl)

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