Error while typing " install.packages("httr") "

I'am a beginner at doing R program and not an English speaker.
So the problem is that every single time I put





, the same error comes out.

It says
Warning: Rtool is required to build R packages but is not currently installed. Please download and install the appropriate version of Rtools before proceeding :

Even though I download R, Rstudio and Java again and try it at new environment, the error is same.
I also tried with a manager mode.
I have no idea on earth what I'm doing wrong.
Would you please let me know the point of my mistake? Thank you.


It seems like you are using Windows, and probably are trying to install these pkgs from source (not binaries).

You need a compiler bundled in Rtools, as the message point out. It is likely that you haven't installed Rtools yet. To do so, you can follow the steps detailed here. Pay special attention to setting the PATH correctly (it is a common pitfall)!

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