Error with devtools::load_all()

Hi everyone,

After trying load_all() to load all the functions of a package that I just created I get this error:

Error in app$vspace(new_style$margin-top %||% 0) :
attempt to apply non-function

my working directory is the package folder. I would be grateful if someone could help me. Thanks in advance!


use_git("function")##with this I create and edit a random function
load_all()#then I try to load the function and get the error:

Error in app$vspace(new_style$margin-top %||% 0) :
attempt to apply non-function

If you could show us exactly what you do, then we could help you better. (I assume you do not run create_package("~/path/to/package").)

I just solved this issue installing the newer version of R Studio. Thanks!!

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