Extract Pubmed abstract by PMC ID

I am using europePMC package to extract data on about 2000 articles e.g. PMC ID, title, and journal name.

I tried to extract the abstracts for those articles by PMC ID using other packages like RISmed, but it allows only one ID at a time. So I'd like to share this with the community just in case someone knows a way to do that.

Here is a glimpse of the data:

   id           source pmid  pmcid doi   title authorString journalTitle journalVolume pubYear
   <chr>        <chr>  <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>        <chr>        <chr>         <chr>  
 1 35098050     MED    3509… PMC8… 10.1… "Vis… Marques J, … MicroPubl B… 2022          2022   
 2 35546519     MED    3554… PMC9… 10.1… "The… Zizelski Va… Plant Signa… 17            2022   
 3 35616063     MED    3561… PMC9… 10.1… "Gen… Xiong W, Zh… Plant Signa… 17            2022   
 4 IND607715309 AGR    NA    NA    10.1… "The… Wang Z, Li … Agron J      113           2022   
 5 35435138     MED    3543… PMC9… 10.1… "Gen… Lim CW, Lee… Plant Signa… 17            2022   
 6 35506344     MED    3550… PMC9… 10.1… "ABA… Hasan MM, L… Plant Signa… 17            2022

Thank you.

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