fatal error unable to open the base package

I installed RStudio and when I am going to use it, a dialog box appears with the message Fatal error: unable to open the base package. I need help


RStudio, requires the R language to be installed on your machine also.
The first three links in the main page here, let you choose an R for your operating system.

Hi. Thank you.

I have R installed, and it works for me, the problem is in RStudio. I had already used RStudio other times but I uninstalled it, and now that I reinstalled it it doesn't work for me in any version

what operating system do you use ?
Could it be that you have multiple installs of R and Rstudio is picking the wrong one ?

The reason could be below.

You also updated R-Version and before you pointed latest R version into R-Studio you uninstalled the previous R-version. Thus, when you are launching RStudio, it looks for the previous R-version which you have already uninstalled. Hope this will help.

Let me know if this was the reason. Thanks

1 Like

Yes, that was the reason. Thank you

Hello !

I've got the same problem, I first downloaded both R and Rstudio, then have uninstalled both R and RSrudio, and again Installed both (so they are not related to the previous installations of those programs I unistalled).

But still, I have a blank Rstudio screen, and Have the message : "Fatal error: unable to open the base package", what should I do ?

Thank you in advance !

Hey, what did you to fix that ? :blush:


Hi. I uninstalled all the versions of R and RStudio that I had. Then I installed R and finally RStudio

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