fitting a exponential regression line to scatterplot


How do I add an exponential regression line in the same image as the scatter plot.

To summerize I want these two images to be in one.
ggplot(data=lampor, mapping=aes(x=styrka, y=tid))+geom_point()+

ggplot(data=lampor, mapping=aes(x=styrka, y=my))+geom_line()+

Sorry about the messy code and lingo, first time using R.


I cannot test this because I do not have your data but I think this will work.

ggplot(data=lampor, mapping=aes(x=styrka)) + geom_point(mapping = aes(y = tid))+
geom_line(mapping=aes(y=my)) +
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Thank you that worked excellent! This was the output.image

Do you know how I could limit the Y-axis to 5000?

You can add the ylim() function to code for the plot.

ggplot(data=lampor, mapping=aes(x=styrka)) + geom_point(mapping = aes(y = tid))+
geom_line(mapping=aes(y=my)) + ylim(0,5000) +
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