Format columns as markdown with the flextable and ftExtra packages - Table Contest Submission

Format columns as markdown with the flextable and ftExtra packages

Authors: Atsushi Yasumoto
Affiliations: HACARUS Inc.

Abstract: This tutorial introduces why ftExtra introduces markdown features to flextable, and show variety of examples.
By introducing markdown, users can easily and programmatically format character columns.
Also, the ftExtra package employs Pandoc's markdown, which provides powerful features and provides consistent syntax R Markdown.

Full Description:

Table Type: static-HTML
Submission Type: Tutorial
RStudio Cloud:
DT package used:
gt package used:
reactable package used:
flextable package used: true
huxtable package used:
kableExtra package used:
Other packages: ftExtra


This is so neat! I use flextable quite a bit in my day to day work, and I think a lot of what is in here will definitely help with that. I can't wait to explore it more.

Glad to hear it!! Thank you!!!