Format numericInput in R

I am trying to format the numeric input in an R shiny app just for display purpose. When I do that on load it shows the number and then the numericInput box goes blank.


    ui <- fluidPage(
        numericInput("inp1", label = ("Total"), value = 11000000)

    server <- function(input, output, session) {

        updateNumericInput(session, "inp1", label = ("Total"),
                          paste("S", value = prettyNum(input$inp1, big.mark=",", scientific=FALSE)))

hey @sten - it would be helpful if we had some context for this post - what type of error are you running into or what are you hoping to achieve?

My bad I just added the code. I just updated my question.

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I think this is not possible with numericInput, because the value parameter has to be numeric, but you can do it with textInput and convert the value to numeric later.

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So when I use textInput and updateTextInput I get this


The prefix is causing an infinite loop, try with something like this.


ui <- fluidPage(
        textInput("inp1", label = "Total", value = "110000")

server <- function(input, output, session) {
        if (!str_detect(input$inp1, "S ")) {
            updateTextInput(session, "inp1", "Total", 
                            value = number(as.numeric(input$inp1), prefix = "S ", big.mark = ","))

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
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When I change the prefix S as $ it get output as $ NA.

You need to change this line

if (!str_detect(input$inp1, "\\$"))

This is because $ is a metacharacter and needs to be escaped in the regular expression with \\$


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