function problem

I have been working with the BRFSS dataset. I am learning how to use the R via this youtube channel

at some point, I am trying to do

pe <- function(y) {
y <- enquo(y)
FL18_pe_design %>% group_by(SEX1, !!y) %>% summarize(proportion = survey_mean(vartype = c("se", "ci"))) %>% filter(!!y ==1) %>% cbind(FL18_pe %>% count(vars = !!y, by = SEX1) %>% filter(vars ==1))}

but instead of getting results, the R output is
SEX1 factor,3 factor,3
LASTDEN4 factor,3 factor,3
proportion Numeric,3 Integer,3
proportion_se Numeric,3 factor,3
proportion_low Numeric,3 factor,3
proportion_upp Numeric,3 Integer,3

what is the problem?

is missing from the provided example, which makes the question insufficently specified even with with BRFFS provided with

readr::read_csv("") ->  dat

I have made all the steps on the video. The FL18_pe_design is produced before!

Just a quick note, when asking for help you should always put in at least as much effort in the asking of the question as you hope the person you are asking will put into formulating their answer.

A couple of things which might help you get an answer.

  1. Don't make people go looking for the data you are using, either provide it or a link to it to speed things up.
  2. When you include a code snippet giving you trouble, be sure to include code which will load any libraries the code requires to run correctly.
  3. INCLUDE ALL THE CODE TO MAKE ALL THE OBJECTS! What is cg17_pe_design? I had to read through the terrible code/comments in the YouTube description. But, there's still no resource for the cg17_pe data.
  4. You don't even include the command you executed which results in the output you're getting, so there's no way to possibly begin to help you in any meaningful, concrete way.

I'm not intending this to be harsh criticism, so please don't take it that way. This is a welcoming place, I want to help you, and you should feel comfortable asking any questions you have. Please though, put more effort into asking better questions.

That said, because I am a glutton for punishment I dug around to try to find the data, I think it comes from here:
But, there's no way to be sure.

I also don't know how the data is trimmed down. At a certain point in the video a data.frame is displayed with 9355 rows and 23 columns. This seems close to what you'd get if you keep only those rows for which X_STATE == 6 and only those 23 columns, but, again, I don't know for sure and she seems to reference other columns later which aren't in those 23.

That data also appears to be re-encoded from its original values to all be two-level factors... I attempted to emulate this, but I didn't see any explanation as to what the rules for doing this should be. I also tried to clean up the style which is atrocious and borderline unreadable.

I also advise seeking out tutorials provided by people who provide complete source code so you aren't reliant on magically divining things they neglect to mention or show.

What follows is my modest attempt to rectify the issues I found. At this point I have no idea why you are getting the output you are, but perhaps my efforts can illuminate your way or help someone else in helping you.

# install.packages("survey")
# install.packages("srvyr")
# install.packages("SASxport")

# Where I located the data:
# You'll need to unzip the files into your working directory.


### Missing from code description (found in the video) but needed
options(survey.lonely.psu = "adjust")

brfss <- read.xport('LLCP2017.XPT_',name.chars = "_")

# these are the 23 variables in the only data.frame structure I saw
vars <- c("X_PSU", "X_LLCPWT", "X_STSTR", "SEX", "X_RFHLTH",
          "X_PHYS14D", "X_MENT14D", "X_HCVU651", "CHECKUP1",
          "CHOLCHK1", "X_RFSMOK3", "X_RFBING5", "X_TOTINDA",
          "X_FRTLT1A", "X_VEGLT1A", "X_RFBMI5", "DIABETE3",
          "HAVARTH3", "ADDEPEV2", "BPHIGH4", "TOLDHI2",
          "CVDCRHD4", "CVDSTRK3")

# Manual inspection found State 6 has 9358 observations which is
# close to the 9355 shown in the video data.frame.
cg17_pe <- brfss[brfss[["X_STATE"]] == 6, vars]
cg17_pe_dsgn <- svydesign(id = ~1,
                          strata = ~X_STSTR,
                          weights = ~X_LLCPWT,
                          data = cg17_pe)
svymean(~ factor(X_RFSMOK3), cg17_pe_dsgn, na.rm = TRUE)

# some sloppy refactoring of the remaining variables with
# minimal effort invested in matching the video results.
cg17_pe[cg17_pe$SEX > 2, "SEX"] <- NA
cg17_pe$SEX <- factor(cg17_pe$SEX, labels = c("M", "F"))
cg17_pe[cg17_pe[, 5] > 2, 5] <- NA
cg17_pe[, 5] <- factor(cg17_pe[, 5], labels = 2:1)

q <- lapply(cg17_pe[, 6:23],
            function(x) {x[x > 2] <- NA
            factor(x, labels = 2:1)})
cg17_pe[, 6:23] <- q

# The rest of the code taken from the video description with
# an attempt to make it readable. No effort was made to 
# improve the actual coding.
cg17_pe_design <- cg17_pe %>% as_survey_design(ids = "X_PSU",
                                               strata = "X_STSTR",
                                               weights = "X_LLCPWT")

cg17_pe_design <- cg17_pe %>% as_survey_design(ids = "X_PSU",
                                               strata = "X_STSTR",
                                               weights = "X_LLCPWT")

cg17_pe_design %>%
  group_by(SEX, X_RFSMOK3) %>%
  summarize(proportion = survey_mean(vartype = c("se", "ci")))

cg17_pe_design %>%
  group_by(SEX, X_RFSMOK3) %>%
  summarize(proportion = survey_mean(vartype = c("se", "ci"))) %>%
  filter(X_RFSMOK3 == 1)

cg17_pe %>%
  count(vars = X_RFSMOK3, by = SEX) %>%
  filter(vars == 1)

cg17_pe_design %>%
  group_by(SEX, X_RFSMOK3) %>%
  summarize(proportion = survey_mean(vartype = c("se", "ci"))) %>%
  filter(X_RFSMOK3 == 1) %>%
  cbind(cg17_pe %>% count(vars = X_RFSMOK3, by = SEX) %>% filter(vars == 1))

pe <- function(y) {
  y <- enquo(y)
  cg17_pe_design %>%
    group_by(SEX, !!y) %>%
    summarize(proportion = survey_mean(vartype = c("se", "ci"))) %>%
    filter(!!y == 1) %>%
    cbind(cg17_pe %>%
            count(vars = !!y, by = SEX) %>%
            filter(vars == 1))

a <- pe(X_RFHLTH)
b <- pe(X_PHYS14D)
c <- pe(X_MENT14D)
d <- pe(X_HCVU651)
e <- pe(CHECKUP1)
f <- pe(CHOLCHK1)
g <- pe(X_RFSMOK3)
h <- pe(X_RFBING5)
i <- pe(X_TOTINDA)
j <- pe(X_FRTLT1A)
k <- pe(X_VEGLT1A)
l <- pe(X_RFBMI5)
m <- pe(DIABETE3)
n <- pe(HAVARTH3)
o <- pe(ADDEPEV2)
p <- pe(BPHIGH4)
q <- pe(TOLDHI2)
r <- pe(CVDCRHD4)
s <- pe(CVDSTRK3)

pe_table <- bind_rows(a, b, c, d, e,
                      f, g, h, i, j,
                      k, l, m, n, o,
                      p, q, r, s)

health_variable <- c("X_RFHLTH", "X_RFHLTH", "X_PHYS14D",
                     "X_PHYS14D", "X_MENT14D", "X_MENT14D",
                     "X_HCVU651", "X_HCVU651", "CHECKUP1",
                     "CHECKUP1", "CHOLCHK1", "CHOLCHK1",
                     "X_RFSMOK3", "X_RFSMOK3", "X_RFBING5",
                     "X_RFBING5", "X_TOTINDA", "X_TOTINDA",
                     "X_FRTLT1A", "X_FRTLT1A", "X_VEGLT1A",
                     "X_VEGLT1A", "X_RFMBI5", "X_RFMBI5",
                     "DIABETE3", "DIABETE3", "HAVARTH3",
                     "HAVARTH3", "ADDEPEV2", "ADDEPEV2",
                     "BPHIGH4", "BPHIGH4", "TOLDHI2",
                     "TOLDHI2", "CVDCRHD4", "CVDCRHD4",
                     "CVDSTRK3", "CVDSTRK3")

pe_table$health_variable <- health_variable

pe_table_2 <- subset(pe_table,
                     select = c(health_variable,

That URL 404's for me. Is that the same dataset found here:

If so it doesn't appear to match the data used in the video.

Thank you for guiding me!

The data file is at

I just changed the XPT format to csv then used the codes below on the new csv file.


llcp2018 <- read.csv("llcp2018.csv")

Fl18 <- filter(llcp2018, X_STATE == 12)

export(Fl18, "FL18.csv")

keep_var <- c("X_DENVST3", "DIABETE3", "LASTDEN4", "SEX1", "X_LLCPWT2", "X_STSTR", "X_PSU")

FL18_pe <- Fl18[, keep_var]

FL18_pe$SEX1 <- as.factor(recode(FL18_pe$SEX1, "1" = "M", "2" = "F", .missing = "0", .default = "0"))

FL18_pe$DIABETE3 <- as.factor(recode(FL18_pe$DIABETE3, "1" = "1", .missing = "0", .default = "0"))

FL18_pe$LASTDEN4 <- as.factor(recode(FL18_pe$LASTDEN4, "1" = "1", "2" = "2", .missing = "0", .default = "0"))

FL18_pe$X_DENVST3 <- as.factor(recode(FL18_pe$X_DENVST3, "1" = "1", .missing = "0", .default = "0"))

export(FL18_pe, "FL18_pe.csv")

FL18_pe_dsgn <- svydesign(id=~1, strata= ~X_STSTR, weights = ~X_LLCPWT2, data = FL18_pe)

svymean(~factor(X_DENVST3), FL18_pe_dsgn, na.rm=TRUE)

FL18_pe_design <- as_survey_design(.data = FL18_pe, ids = "X_PSU", strata = "X_STSTR", weights = "X_LLCPWT2")

FL18_pe_design <- FL18_pe %>% as_survey_design(ids = "X_PSU", strata = "X_STSTR", weights = "X_LLCPWT2")

FL18_pe_design %>% group_by(SEX1, LASTDEN4) %>% summarize(proportion = survey_mean(vartype=c("se", "ci")))

FL18_pe_design %>% group_by(SEX1, LASTDEN4) %>% summarize(proportion = survey_mean(vartype=c("se", "ci"))) %>% filter(LASTDEN4 == 1)

FL18_pe_design %>% group_by(SEX1, LASTDEN4) %>% summarize(proportion = survey_mean(vartype=c("se", "ci"))) %>% filter(LASTDEN4 == 1)
FL18_pe %>% count(vars = LASTDEN4, by = SEX1) %>% filter(vars == 2)

my_fun <- function(y) {FL18_pe_design %>% group_by(SEX1, !!y) %>% summarize(proportion = survey_mean(vartype = c("se", "ci"))) %>% filter(!!y == 1) %>% cbind(FL18_pe %>% count(vars = !!Y, by = SEX1) %>% filter(vars ==1))}

pe <- function(y) {
y <- enquo(y)
FL18_pe_design %>% group_by(SEX1, !!y) %>% summarize(proportion = survey_mean(vartype = c("se", "ci"))) %>% filter(!!y ==1) %>% cbind(FL18_pe %>% count(vars = !!y, by = SEX1) %>% filter(vars ==1))}

The problem is here, when I type pe(LASTDEN4) instead of getting results like in the video "34:57" min, I get the

SEX1 factor,3 factor,3
LASTDEN4 factor,3 factor,3
proportion Numeric,3 Integer,3
proportion_se Numeric,3 factor,3
proportion_low Numeric,3 factor,3
proportion_upp Numeric,3 Integer,3

Thank you for your time!

After some minor additions and modifications I get this:

Here your slightly modified code:


# llcp2018 <- read.csv("llcp2018.csv")
# I don't klnow how you're converting from XPT to csv, but I just used the
# SASxport package to import itm then I needed to fix the classes it assigned.
# llcp2018 <- read.csv("llcp2018.csv")
llcp2018 <- read.xport('LLCP2018.XPT_',name.chars = "_")
Fl18 <- filter(llcp2018, X_STATE == 12)

export(Fl18, "FL18.csv")

keep_var <- c("X_DENVST3", "DIABETE3", "LASTDEN4", "SEX1", "X_LLCPWT2", "X_STSTR", "X_PSU")
FL18_pe <- Fl18[, keep_var]

# added this to remove the "labelled" class from the data.frame
FL18_pe <-, unclass)) # 

FL18_pe$SEX1 <- as.factor(recode(FL18_pe$SEX1, "1" = "M", "2" = "F", .missing = "0", .default = "0"))

FL18_pe$DIABETE3 <- as.factor(recode(FL18_pe$DIABETE3, "1" = "1", .missing = "0", .default = "0"))

FL18_pe$LASTDEN4 <- as.factor(recode(FL18_pe$LASTDEN4, "1" = "1", "2" = "2", .missing = "0", .default = "0"))

FL18_pe$X_DENVST3 <- as.factor(recode(FL18_pe$X_DENVST3, "1" = "1", .missing = "0", .default = "0"))
FL18_pe <-
export(FL18_pe, "FL18_pe.csv")

FL18_pe_dsgn <- svydesign(id=~1, strata= ~X_STSTR, weights = ~X_LLCPWT2, data = FL18_pe)

svymean(~factor(X_DENVST3), FL18_pe_dsgn, na.rm=TRUE)

FL18_pe_design <- as_survey_design(.data = FL18_pe, ids = "X_PSU", strata = "X_STSTR", weights = "X_LLCPWT2")

FL18_pe_design <- FL18_pe %>% as_survey_design(ids = "X_PSU", strata = "X_STSTR", weights = "X_LLCPWT2")

FL18_pe_design %>% group_by(SEX1, LASTDEN4) %>% summarize(proportion = survey_mean(vartype=c("se", "ci")))

FL18_pe_design %>% group_by(SEX1, LASTDEN4) %>% summarize(proportion = survey_mean(vartype=c("se", "ci"))) %>% filter(LASTDEN4 == 1)

FL18_pe_design %>% group_by(SEX1, LASTDEN4) %>% summarize(proportion = survey_mean(vartype=c("se", "ci"))) %>% filter(LASTDEN4 == 1)
FL18_pe %>% count(vars = LASTDEN4, by = SEX1) %>% filter(vars == 2)

my_fun <- function(y) {FL18_pe_design %>% group_by(SEX1, !!y) %>% summarize(proportion = survey_mean(vartype = c("se", "ci"))) %>% filter(!!y == 1) %>% cbind(FL18_pe %>% count(vars = !!Y, by = SEX1) %>% filter(vars ==1))}

pe <- function(y) {
  y <- enquo(y)
  FL18_pe_design %>% group_by(SEX1, !!y) %>% summarize(proportion = survey_mean(vartype = c("se", "ci"))) %>% filter(!!y ==1) %>% cbind(FL18_pe %>% count(vars = !!y, by = SEX1) %>% filter(vars ==1))}


I did everything I could but still it is not happening!
Where di you get the XLT file? The file on the CDC is XPT!

after choosecran and 1 and installing rio, tidyverse, survey, srvyr, sasxport, I ran all the codes and added the one you mentions which you said" added this to remove the "labelled" class from the data.frame"
but at the last step it again gives me the same output!

llcp2018 <- read.csv("llcp2018.csv")

Fl18 <- filter(llcp2018, X_STATE == 12)

export(Fl18, "FL18.csv")
keep_var <- c("X_DENVST3", "DIABETE3", "LASTDEN4", "SEX1", "X_LLCPWT2", "X_STSTR", "X_PSU")

FL18_pe <- Fl18[, keep_var]
FL18_pe <-, unclass))
FL18_pe$SEX1 <- as.factor(recode(FL18_pe$SEX1, "1" = "M", "2" = "F", .missing = "0", .default = "0"))

FL18_pe$DIABETE3 <- as.factor(recode(FL18_pe$DIABETE3, "1" = "1", .missing = "0", .default = "0"))

FL18_pe$LASTDEN4 <- as.factor(recode(FL18_pe$LASTDEN4, "1" = "1", "2" = "2", .missing = "0", .default = "0"))

FL18_pe$X_DENVST3 <- as.factor(recode(FL18_pe$X_DENVST3, "1" = "1", .missing = "0", .default = "0"))
FL18_pe <-
export(FL18_pe, "FL18_pe.csv")
FL18_pe_dsgn <- svydesign(id=~1, strata= ~X_STSTR, weights = ~X_LLCPWT2, data = FL18_pe)
svymean(~factor(X_DENVST3), FL18_pe_dsgn, na.rm=TRUE)
mean SE
factor(X_DENVST3)0 0.34423 0.0065
factor(X_DENVST3)1 0.65577 0.0065
FL18_pe_design <- as_survey_design(.data = FL18_pe, ids = "X_PSU", strata = "X_STSTR", weights = "X_LLCPWT2")

FL18_pe_design <- FL18_pe %>% as_survey_design(ids = "X_PSU", strata = "X_STSTR", weights = "X_LLCPWT2")

FL18_pe_design %>% group_by(SEX1, LASTDEN4) %>% summarize(proportion = survey_mean(vartype=c("se", "ci")))

A tibble: 8 x 6

Groups: SEX1 [3]

SEX1 LASTDEN4 proportion proportion_se proportion_low proportion_upp

1 0 0 0.510 0.263 -0.00511 1.03
2 0 1 0.490 0.263 -0.0253 1.01
3 F 0 0.213 0.00759 0.198 0.228
4 F 1 0.671 0.00877 0.653 0.688
5 F 2 0.117 0.00610 0.105 0.129
6 M 0 0.249 0.00871 0.232 0.266
7 M 1 0.639 0.00977 0.620 0.658
8 M 2 0.113 0.00654 0.0997 0.125

FL18_pe_design %>% group_by(SEX1, LASTDEN4) %>% summarize(proportion = survey_mean(vartype=c("se", "ci"))) %>% filter(LASTDEN4 == 1)

A tibble: 3 x 6

Groups: SEX1 [3]

SEX1 LASTDEN4 proportion proportion_se proportion_low proportion_upp

1 0 1 0.490 0.263 -0.0253 1.01
2 F 1 0.671 0.00877 0.653 0.688
3 M 1 0.639 0.00977 0.620 0.658

FL18_pe_design %>% group_by(SEX1, LASTDEN4) %>% summarize(proportion = survey_mean(vartype=c("se", "ci"))) %>% filter(LASTDEN4 == 1)

A tibble: 3 x 6

Groups: SEX1 [3]

SEX1 LASTDEN4 proportion proportion_se proportion_low proportion_upp

1 0 1 0.490 0.263 -0.0253 1.01
2 F 1 0.671 0.00877 0.653 0.688
3 M 1 0.639 0.00977 0.620 0.658

FL18_pe %>% count(vars = LASTDEN4, by = SEX1) %>% filter(vars == 2)
vars by n
1 2 F 982
2 2 M 754

my_fun <- function(y) {FL18_pe_design %>% group_by(SEX1, !!y) %>% summarize(proportion = survey_mean(vartype = c("se", "ci"))) %>% filter(!!y == 1) %>% cbind(FL18_pe %>% count(vars = !!Y, by = SEX1) %>% filter(vars ==1))}
pe <- function(y) {

  • y <- enquo(y) 
  • FL18_pe_design %>% group_by(SEX1, !!y) %>% summarize(proportion = survey_mean(vartype = c("se", "ci"))) %>% filter(!!y ==1) %>% cbind(FL18_pe %>% count(vars = !!y, by = SEX1) %>% filter(vars ==1))}

SEX1 factor,3 factor,3
LASTDEN4 factor,3 factor,3
proportion Numeric,3 Integer,3
proportion_se Numeric,3 factor,3
proportion_low Numeric,3 factor,3
proportion_upp Numeric,3 Integer,3

Yeah, sorry, typo on my part here, should be .XPT_ extension... That's my fault for car shopping online at the same time I'm trying to help you... Lol.

I misplaced the quotemark


Thanks. Just now used exactly all of your codes. Copy and pasted
the problem is still there :frowning:



And post the results please.

When you do, please make your you put three backticks above and below to preserve formatting.

# paste the results between sets of three backticks please

That's my bad, str() won't work in that context. Let's try something else...

I've gone ahead and cleaned up the version of your code I am running and put an R file on my github here:

You should be able to simply download and run that R file, which will be easier than trying to find a possibly very small and minor typo.


Could you please help me with this also?
I am trying to get the Chi-sqr also for these variables
I use:

chisq.test(FL16_pe$LASTDEN3, FL16_pe$DIABETE3)

and the results come back as

Pearson's Chi-squared test

data: FL16_pe$LASTDEN3 and FL16_pe$DIABETE3
X-squared = 263.38, df = 2, p-value < 2.2e-16

and I get the result as above.

How can I get these results in a histogram or table or a graph?

chisq.test returns the following. Some are single-valued, others longer. What x is to be plotted depends on what is to be illustrated.

str(chisq.test(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$drat))
#> Warning in chisq.test(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$drat): Chi-squared approximation may be
#> incorrect
#> List of 9
#>  $ statistic: Named num 536
#>   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "X-squared"
#>  $ parameter: Named int 504
#>   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "df"
#>  $ p.value  : num 0.157
#>  $ method   : chr "Pearson's Chi-squared test"
#>  $ chr "mtcars$mpg and mtcars$drat"
#>  $ observed : 'table' int [1:25, 1:22] 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#>   .. ..$ mtcars$mpg : chr [1:25] "10.4" "13.3" "14.3" "14.7" ...
#>   .. ..$ mtcars$drat: chr [1:22] "2.76" "2.93" "3" "3.07" ...
#>  $ expected : num [1:25, 1:22] 0.125 0.0625 0.0625 0.0625 0.0625 0.125 0.0625 0.0625 0.0625 0.0625 ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#>   .. ..$ mtcars$mpg : chr [1:25] "10.4" "13.3" "14.3" "14.7" ...
#>   .. ..$ mtcars$drat: chr [1:22] "2.76" "2.93" "3" "3.07" ...
#>  $ residuals: 'table' num [1:25, 1:22] -0.354 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#>   .. ..$ mtcars$mpg : chr [1:25] "10.4" "13.3" "14.3" "14.7" ...
#>   .. ..$ mtcars$drat: chr [1:22] "2.76" "2.93" "3" "3.07" ...
#>  $ stdres   : 'table' num [1:25, 1:22] -0.377 -0.262 -0.262 -0.262 -0.262 ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#>   .. ..$ mtcars$mpg : chr [1:25] "10.4" "13.3" "14.3" "14.7" ...
#>   .. ..$ mtcars$drat: chr [1:22] "2.76" "2.93" "3" "3.07" ...
#>  - attr(*, "class")= chr "htest"

Created on 2020-09-02 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

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what is the relation of this to my question?

The question fails to specify what the enumerable argument of the result is to be plotted. For a table, construct from the list elements of the htest object returned from the function.

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I understand it's tempting to ask here. But I recommend, in the future, when you have a different question you start a new thread.

The reason is, if you just continue in this thread, other people who might have better insight into the new issue are unlikely to see it and days, weeks, months, or years down the road other people who run into the same new issue will be unlikely to look for a solution inside this post.

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This topic was automatically closed 7 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed.

If you have a query related to it or one of the replies, start a new topic and refer back with a link.