Having trouble getting a Shiny program to run

Hello, I am trying to use the shiny app to make a program that predicts what someones run time will be based off an inputted height. This is all based off data that was collected and compiled in an xlxs. file. I cannot get the program to run, my code is attached below.

Server code:
function(input, output, sessionInfo){

output$myPlot <- renderPlot({
  distType <- input$Distribution
  size <- input$sampleSize
  if(distType == "Normal"){
    randomVec <- rnorm(size, mean = as.numeric(input$))
  else {
    randomVec <- rnorm(size, mean = as.numeric(input$mean), sd=as.numeric(input$sd))
  hist(randomVec, col="blue")


UI code:
headerPanel("My First Shiny App"),

    selectInput("Distribution", "Please Select Distribution Type",
                choices=c("Normal", "Exponential")),
    sliderInput ("sampleSize", "Please Select Sample Size: ",
                 min=100, max=5000, value= 1000, step=100 ),
    conditionalPanel(condition = "input.Distribution == 'Normal'",
                     textInput("mean","Please Select the mean",10),
                     textInput("sd","Please Select Standard Deviation"),3),
    conditionalPanel(condition = "input.Distribution == 'Exponential'",
                     textInput("lambda", "Please Select Exponential Lambda:",




This seems to be what you want...note that you don't have to place UI and server code in separate places. Also, shinyServer() should never be used to wrap a user interface.


ui <- pageWithSidebar(
  headerPanel("My First Shiny App"),
    selectInput("Distribution", "Please Select Distribution Type",
                choices=c("Normal", "Exponential")),
    sliderInput("sampleSize", "Please Select Sample Size: ",
                min=100, max=5000, value= 1000, step=100 ),
      condition = "input.Distribution == 'Normal'",
      textInput("mean","Please Select the mean",10),
      textInput("sd","Please Select Standard Deviation", 3)
      condition = "input.Distribution == 'Exponential'",
      textInput("lambda", "Please Select Exponential Lambda:",1)

server <- function(input, output, sessionInfo) {
  output$myPlot <- renderPlot({
    distType <- input$Distribution
    size <- input$sampleSize
    if(distType == "Normal") {
      randomVec <- rnorm(size, mean = as.numeric(input$mean))
    } else {
      randomVec <- rnorm(size, mean = as.numeric(input$mean), sd=as.numeric(input$sd))
    hist(randomVec, col="blue")

shinyApp(ui, server)
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