healthdown - Shiny Contest Submission


Authors: Peter Gandenberger, Andreas Hofheinz

Abstract: The Healthdown app allows interactive comparison of various health factors at the U.S. state and county level.

The data source is the annual rankings by the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, which provide an insightful snapshot of how health is affected by various factors.

The app was developed primarily for the Shiny Contest 2021 to demonstrate the capabilities of the leafdown package, which was recently published on CRAN.

Full Description: The Healthdown app provides an interactive comparison of various health factors at the U.S. state and county level.
It enables researchers to quickly switch between various factors displayed in the map and to compare various health factors across states or counties in the charts.
Regions of interest can be found quickly with the search function.

The data source is the annual rankings by the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, which provide an insightful snapshot of how health is affected by various factors.

The app is based on the leafdown package, which adds drilldown functionality for leaflet choropleths.
Unlike most other standard drillable maps, it enables the user to specifically select the regions they want to drill down for, resulting in great flexibility and computational efficiency at the same time.

Keywords: map, leaflet, leafdown, healthcare
Shiny app:
Repo: GitHub - hoga-it/healthdown
RStudio Cloud: Posit Cloud


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