Help in write down the model

tt <- c(1:10,1:10)
nrge <- c(rep(0,10),rep(1,10))
St <- c(1,3,3,1,5,6,8,4,3,6)
Nt <- c(3,2,4,7,5,4,8,3,2,4)
fit <- lm(log(c(St,Nt)) ~ tt + I(tt*nrge))

By using three parameters and no more than two equations, write down the model that the person who wrote this code wants to fit to the data

Thank you so much for your help

tt <- c(1:50,1:50)
nrge <- c(rep(0,50),rep(1,50))
St <- beauty$looks
Nt <- beauty$expr
fit <- lm(log(c(St,Nt)) ~ tt + I(tt*nrge))

Note that we don't have access to beauty, or the text of the error message. So we can't replicate the problem and diagnose it from there.

Can you redo the reproducible example with dummy data for beauty that replicates the error? (Ideally as a minimal REPRoducible EXample (reprex)? A reprex makes it much easier for others to understand your issue and figure out how to help.)

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