help interpreting sens slope value and mann-kendall values

I just need some help interpreting the outputs from the mann-kendall test and the sens slope test.
tau = 0.0845, 2-sided pvalue =< 2.22e-16
Sens Slope:
z = 8.5267, n = 4562, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: true z is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
0.0002688172 0.0004297994
sample estimates:
Sen's slope

I am trying to verify whether or not the data has trend. Any info that you can give regarding what these results mean would be great.

The null hypothesis of the two-sided version of the test is that is that the data do not follow a monotonic trend. The- test statistic, \tau is in the interval (-1:1), corresponding to a downward or upward trend. The pvalue is very small, indicating a low probability that the data are not positively trending. That is, we reject the null hypothesis (or, if picky, fail to accept it) of no trend and accordingly accept the alternative—that there is a trend.

Sen's slope is the median of all slopes passing between pairs of distinct x and y coordinates. The null hypothesis of a zero test statistic is rejected and a small non-negative slope within a narrow confidence band is concluded here.

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