Hidden dataframes in the global environment [Partially Solved]


I realized that created data frames in the global environment started with "t" went invisible (or it was like that for a while now). Moreover, when I create a new data frame that begins with "t" or with the other letters come after "t" alphabetically, don't appear in the global environment, even though they can be called from console.

I have also listed the data frames in the global environment ( ls()[sapply(ls(), function(x) class(get(x))) == 'data.frame'] ) and all of the data frames begins with "t" (and begins with the other letter which comes after "t") were in the list.

I have no idea what can cause this. I restarted everything multiple times but my problem wasn't solved at all. Since I am doing version control between the datasets, it is important for me to see them physically in the environment.

I am using R 3.6, RStudio Version 1.2.1335 on Ubuntu 16.04 (LTS).

Edit: I realized that the environment pane is showing only a limited number of data frames under the data category. So is there a way to make all of the data frames created visible in the environment pane?

Any suggestion is appreciated!

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