How can I upload .csv or excel files existing in computer to RStudio cloud?

How can I upload .csv or excel files existing in computer to RStudio cloud?
or in read.csv() how the address of a file to be read is given, when uploading file from PC to
ex. my file is in ~/Desktop/plots/
Thank you in advance

That's a great question praful_d,

In your project, you can upload files via the Upload button in the File pane. You can upload a group of files by zipping them up together into a zip file first.



A lot of this sort of thing is covered well in the guide and primers section of,

Check this out at: Posit Cloud

Thank you for your kind answer sir,
May I know if I can browse file location on my PC through command line in RStudio cloud ?

You cannot browse your local system from cloud through the command line. If you need local file(s) you would upload it to cloud using the command that Curtis pointed out and then interact with them in cloud afterwards.


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