How do I remove the sidebar panel?

Hello, I've tried to find a way to remove it all over the place, sadly I haven't found anything that works. There has to be a way to remove or "make disappear" the sidebar panel right? I can send my code if needed.

Hi @Ragnaroni! Yes, it would be helpful if you can share your code.

Here we go (its not all my code but its the relevant part) :

#this is the cat chooser shiny page


# Define UI for application that draws a histogram
ui <- fluidPage(theme = shinytheme("cyborg"),
  # Application title
    h1("Welcome to!", style = "color:red", align = 'center'),
  #Sidebar panel
    #Main panel with tabs
      tabsetPanel(type = "tab", 
  #Introduction Tab                
                  tabPanel("Introduction", strong("This is the introduction page. Thank you for using our website!")),
  #Cat Breeds Tab 
                  tabPanel("Different Cat Breeds",p("This is the section that talks about the various cat breeds, their personalities, prices, lifespan and much more.
    We will show an image of the selected cat breed, display important information about that particular cat breed including : "), 
    p("- Description of the Breed"),
    p("- Average Lifespan"),
    p("- Average Weight and Size"),
    p("- Average Price"),
    p("- What that Cat Breed is good with (Dogs, Kids, etc)."),
    selectInput("catbreeds", h3("Select your cat breed :"),
                choices = c("         ", "Abyssinian", "American Bobtail", "American Shorthair", "Balinese", "Bengal", "Birman", "Bombay", "British Shorthair", "Devon Rex", "Domestic Longhair", "Exotic Shorthair", "Himalayan", "Maine Coon", "Norwegian Forest", "Persian", "Ragdoll", "Savannah", "Scottish Fold", "Siamese", "Sphynx"), selected = "         "),
  #Vets near me tab!
                  tabPanel("Vetenarians Near Me", p("This is the page where you can find nearby vets for all of your cat's needs"),textOutput("vets")),
                  tabPanel("Adoption Centers Near Me",p("This is the page where you can find the nearest adoption centers to find your next best friend!"), textOutput("adoption")),
                  tabPanel("Random Cat Facts", p("These are some random cat facts you may find very interesting!"),),
                  tabPanel("About Us",p("This is the About Us page. Feel free to learn more about us, the reason behind this site and much more."), textOutput("aboutus"))),
  #selectInput("catbreeds", h3("Select your cat breed :"),
                  #choices = c("         ", "Abyssinian", "American Bobtail", "American Shorthair", "Balinese", "Bengal", "Birman", "Bombay", "British Shorthair", "Devon Rex", "Domestic Longhair", "Exotic Shorthair", "Himalayan", "Maine Coon", "Norwegian Forest", "Persian", "Ragdoll", "Savannah", "Scottish Fold", "Siamese", "Sphynx"), selected = "         "),

Is this what you had in mind? I commented out the calls to sidebarLayout(), sidebarPanel(), and mainPanel().


# Define UI for application that draws a histogram
ui <- fluidPage(theme = shinytheme("cyborg"),
                # Application title
                  h1("Welcome to!", style = "color:red", align = 'center'),
                # #Sidebar panel
                # sidebarLayout(
                #   sidebarPanel(),
                #   #Main panel with tabs
                #   mainPanel(
                    tabsetPanel(type = "tab", 
                                #Introduction Tab                
                                tabPanel("Introduction", strong("This is the introduction page. Thank you for using our website!")),
                                #Cat Breeds Tab 
                                tabPanel("Different Cat Breeds",p("This is the section that talks about the various cat breeds, their personalities, prices, lifespan and much more.
    We will show an image of the selected cat breed, display important information about that particular cat breed including : "), 
                                         p("- Description of the Breed"),
                                         p("- Average Lifespan"),
                                         p("- Average Weight and Size"),
                                         p("- Average Price"),
                                         p("- What that Cat Breed is good with (Dogs, Kids, etc)."),
                                         selectInput("catbreeds", h3("Select your cat breed :"),
                                                     choices = c("         ", "Abyssinian", "American Bobtail", "American Shorthair", "Balinese", "Bengal", "Birman", "Bombay", "British Shorthair", "Devon Rex", "Domestic Longhair", "Exotic Shorthair", "Himalayan", "Maine Coon", "Norwegian Forest", "Persian", "Ragdoll", "Savannah", "Scottish Fold", "Siamese", "Sphynx"), selected = "         "),
                                #Vets near me tab!
                                tabPanel("Vetenarians Near Me", p("This is the page where you can find nearby vets for all of your cat's needs"),textOutput("vets")),
                                tabPanel("Adoption Centers Near Me",p("This is the page where you can find the nearest adoption centers to find your next best friend!"), textOutput("adoption")),
                                tabPanel("Random Cat Facts", p("These are some random cat facts you may find very interesting!"),),
                                tabPanel("About Us",p("This is the About Us page. Feel free to learn more about us, the reason behind this site and much more."), textOutput("aboutus"))),
                    #selectInput("catbreeds", h3("Select your cat breed :"),
                    #choices = c("         ", "Abyssinian", "American Bobtail", "American Shorthair", "Balinese", "Bengal", "Birman", "Bombay", "British Shorthair", "Devon Rex", "Domestic Longhair", "Exotic Shorthair", "Himalayan", "Maine Coon", "Norwegian Forest", "Persian", "Ragdoll", "Savannah", "Scottish Fold", "Siamese", "Sphynx"), selected = "         "),
                #   )
                # )

Yes, it is! Thank you!!

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