How it's possible to deploy RMarkdown document on Posit without rendering (calculations) it?

I have a data and modelling pipeline that takes me 5h of local calculations. If I deploy it on Posit it's taking me 5h (rendering locally during deployment) + 5h (rendering on Posit) = 10h of calculations.

Does anyone know how to deploy RMarkdown doc without local and posit rendering and start doing it by schedule only.

Any ideas are welcome!

Have you tried ```{r eval =FALSE } in the headers?

If I include this option the code will be not be running as I read doc.

My issue that I do not want to run code only on the deployment stage.
When RMarkdown notebook is ON the Posit - it will be setup to running on the daily base.

And yes it can be rendering on Posit (not on local mac)