How plot all values inside a Data Frame into a Graph using ggplot() Function

Hello Everyone,
I have a big issue trying to print out all of the data points in RStudio using ggplot().
I first got a matrix and converted it into a data frame like this (I upload a picture of the data frame in this question).......


Afterwards, I want to try to plot all of the values in every column using ggplot() and include a legend in the plot with the names of all the columns. In ggplot, I know you could plot only one column as the y-axis using ggplot(). I would like to know if there is any way in which I could include all of the values in every column as the y-axis values and include the row names in the data frame as the x-axis in the same graph. If you need more information for this problem, I am more than happy to be more specific. Thank you!

I do not know what your data look like, so I invented some.
I would reshape the data so the column names become one column and the values are in one column.
I used several print statements in the code to show how the data change during the process.

#Invent some data
DF <- data.frame(AA = 1:4, BB = 2:5, CC = 3:6, DD = 4:7)
row.names(DF) = c("alpha", "beta", "gamma", "delta")
#>       AA BB CC DD
#> alpha  1  2  3  4
#> beta   2  3  4  5
#> gamma  3  4  5  6
#> delta  4  5  6  7
DF <- rownames_to_column(DF, var = "Xval")
#>    Xval AA BB CC DD
#> 1 alpha  1  2  3  4
#> 2  beta  2  3  4  5
#> 3 gamma  3  4  5  6
#> 4 delta  4  5  6  7
DF <- DF %>% pivot_longer(cols = AA:DD, names_to = "Source", values_to = "Value")
#> # A tibble: 16 x 3
#>    Xval  Source Value
#>    <chr> <chr>  <int>
#>  1 alpha AA         1
#>  2 alpha BB         2
#>  3 alpha CC         3
#>  4 alpha DD         4
#>  5 beta  AA         2
#>  6 beta  BB         3
#>  7 beta  CC         4
#>  8 beta  DD         5
#>  9 gamma AA         3
#> 10 gamma BB         4
#> 11 gamma CC         5
#> 12 gamma DD         6
#> 13 delta AA         4
#> 14 delta BB         5
#> 15 delta CC         6
#> 16 delta DD         7

#Set the order of the Xval values if you do not want them in alphabetical order
DF$Xval <- factor(DF$Xval, levels = c("alpha", "beta", "gamma", "delta"))

ggplot(DF, aes(Xval, Value, color = Source, group = Source)) + 
  geom_point() + geom_line()

Created on 2020-07-31 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

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