How to combine two plots in ggiraph without creating extra white space?


I'm working on a shiny app which uses ggiraph. I'm trying to combine two donut plots (actually bar plots with polar coordinates). This is my code, which uses plot_grid to combine two ggplots using a personal function grafico_donut which uses geom_bar_interactive.

ggiraph(ggobj = plot_grid(
grafico_donut(filter(cuotas_prueba,GRUPO_CUOTA == "GAL_PREMIUM"), tamano = 10, unidad = "Gl "), 
grafico_donut(filter(cuotas_prueba,GRUPO_CUOTA == "GAL_SATINADO"), tamano = 10, unidad = "Gl ")))

When I use only plot_grid I get the following image:


But after using ggirpah I get this:


Then later I'm using ggiraphOutput for a shiny app.

I haven't found anything around this topic, but changing width and size parameters in ggiraphOutput has no effect.