How to create a distribution of variable across cities in the US (using map codes such as ggplot)

Hello, I am new in Rstudio. After trying for a week to create it by myself I will be glad if you could help me -
I am trying to create a map of us cities and show using different colors the distribution of a specific variable across us cities. I guess that my confusion is due to the number of codes there are to generate a map and I am not sure which code to use and also if I should draw the map across cities or counties. I guess it is a simple question but for me it is not simple at all. Thank you for all your help.
I have tried using this code:
mapdata <- read.csv("C:/Users//Data/2014.csv", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)


mapdata$per_credit = mapdata$loan_amount_000s / sum(mapdata$loan_amount_000s)
(mapdata1 <- mapdata[, c(21, 23, 25, 14, 24, 26, 28, 79)])
aggregate(mapdata1$loan_amount_000s, by=list(state_code=mapdata1$state_code), FUN=sum)

(mapdata1 <- mapdata[, c(21, 23, 25, 14, 24, 26, 28, 79)])
aggregate(mapdata1$loan_amount_000s, by=list(state_code=mapdata1$state_code), FUN=sum)
mapdata$per_credit = mapdata$loan_amount_000s / sum(mapdata$loan_amount_000s)

all_states <- map_data("state")

Map<-mapdata1 %>%
region = state_name


Total <- merge(all_states, Map, by=region)

And here I am stuck because the merger does not work.
Any help will be highly beneficial.

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