How to ensure that my blogdown website does not appear as one long page

Which file should I edit so that my blogdown website is not scroll-able from top to bottom? i.e if someone clicks on About, they should only be able to see my Biography, and nothing else. If they want to see posts, they have to click on "Blog"? As is the default, one can view all the different sections at once, and I do not want this.

My website is currently on this link:

Hi Shel,

With the academic theme, you use widgets to build content. You can think of them like Mr Potato Head. Your home page is currently a widget page, with multiple "active" widgets. But, you can also create separate pages on your site, outside of your home page, that contain one or more widgets. For example, my about/contact page includes several widgets:

And the source is here:

Here is some example content from a workshop where we edited the home page widget:

Here is the help for widgets on the home page:

And making a widget page that is not the home page:

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