How to extract all XHR/json files incorporated into an interactive map?

I was wondering whether someone could help me with the following (I posted the same question on SO but haven't received any answer so far; will cross-post if so):

Here’s a (openstreet) map which contains covid vaccination rates for the municipal level. I am able to extract (parts of) this data by using the relevant json file from the Network/XHR panel in my browser (Chrome).

enter image description here

I simply read the identified file with jsonlite::fromJSON(my_json_link). So far so good.

Here’s the problem: The data displayed on the map is not contained in one single json file but dispersed over multiple files and collecting them individually is cumbersome. How can I extract the links to all json-files automatically (and not manually)?

The problem seems to be aggravated by the fact that the relevant json files appear in the Network/XHR panel only once e.g. a specific municipality had been zoomed-in or clicked on. Before, the pertaining json file simply does not show up. It seems to me I have to ‘trigger’ all municipalities first, and then extract the files.

Below the code I have been using so far (the list of links is not exhaustive).
I also saw this post but failed to adapt it to my purpose.

Many thanks for any hint.

vec_json_links <-c(

fn_get_data <- function(json_link) {

  unlist(json_data$data) %>% 
    enframe() %>% 
    mutate(municip_id=str_extract(name, regex("\\d+"))) %>% 
    mutate(municip_name=str_extract(value, regex("(?<=\\>).*(?=\\<)"))) %>% 
    mutate(vacc_full=str_extract(value, regex("(?<=Vollimmunisiert\\:).*?(?=\\%)")) %>% 
             str_trim(.) %>% as.numeric) %>% 
    mutate(vacc_part=str_extract(value, regex("(?<=Teilimmunisiert\\:).*?(?=\\%)")) %>% 
             str_trim(.) %>% as.numeric) 

df_vaccination <- vec_json_links %>% 
  purrr::set_names() %>% 
  map_dfr(., fn_get_data, .id="link")

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