How to include hash tags in a Rmd document so they render correctly in a markdown (.md) document

I am using RStudio and RMarkdown to prepare markdown documents (.md files).

I would like to include hash tags (#tags) within the text of my document.

Rendering my RMarkdown document turns #tag to \#tag in the .md file.

Is it possible for the text #tag to be rendered without the escape backslash? Thanks.

#tag and \#tag also render as \#tag

To which markdown flavour are you rendering to ? Which output format function are you using ?

I think it is expected that a # is escaped in Markdown if it does not indicate formating.

So if you write

title: "test"
output: md_document

This will include the hash as is #tags

\#tag as first

it will be rendered as this with # escaped are none of them indicated formatting.

This will include the hash as is \#tags

\#tag as first

This is how Pandoc is working.

$ pandoc -t markdown_strict <<< "this is a #tag"
this is a \#tag

$ pandoc -t commonmark <<< "this is a #tag"
this is a \#tag

For the first # the backslash is not necessary but unharmful as \# means a literal # but still added by Pandoc. See

Thanks for the reply.

I'm rendering to md_document.

Looking at the console, this is what is running: pandoc +RTS -K512m -RTS --to markdown_strict --from markdown+autolink_bare_uris+tex_math_single_backslash --output --standalone

Is it somehow possible to render tag without an escape backslash?

I am loading the .md files into another piece of software. This software processes #tag and \#tag differently.

Is it possible to add some kind of post processing to pandoc, so I could correct the output?


I read the link you highlighted, and this seems to work:

title: "Basic Stats"
output: md_document

this is a `#tag`{=html}.

Thanks for your help.

This part with raw html is a hack that is working for your purpose. You could also raw markdown I think.

this is a `#tag`{=markdown}.`

Which software it is ? I was under the impression in markdown processor would understand the backslash escape.

Yes - thats works. Thank you.
Can I ask what the `` {} is called in rmarkdown (so I can read more about it)?

Which software it is ? I was under the impression in markdown processor would understand the backslash escape.

I'm using
I'm writing up notes, and want to integrate code examples into my note database.

Obsidian doesn't render the \, it shows just #tag - but it doesn't create a hyperlinked tag (which it should do). The hack means that it is working as expected now.


It is a Pandoc feature called raw attributes. Documented for Rmarkdown in

and here is the Pandoc documentation

Thanks for sharing ! This is a really interesting software !
I am using Joplin which is open source for taking notes in markdown but this Obsidian looks great ! I need to have a closer look.

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Many thanks Christophe.

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