how to migrate the packages installed in Rx64 3.5.1 to Rx64 3.6.0.?

How to perform the migration of the packages installed in Rx64 3.5.1 to Rx64 3.6.0.

It happened to me that when trying to perform the update from R3.5.1 to R5.6.0 medianter installr / updateR I received the following alert

> updateR()
Installing the newest version of R,
 please wait for the installer file to be download and executed.
 Be sure to click 'next' as needed...
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-msdownload' length 83735016 bytes (79.9 MB)
downloaded 79.9 MB

The file was downloaded successfully into:

Running the installer now...

Installation status:  FALSE . Removing the file:
 (In the future, you may keep the file by setting keep_install_file=TRUE) 
Warning message:
In shell(install_cmd, wait = wait, ...) :
  'C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpIxKwiD/R-3.6.0-win.exe' execution failed with error code 127

After several attempts!
And so I downloaded the installation of the Rx64 3.6.0 and installed it separately!

In version R3.5.1 I have a large number of packages installed and it would be a great and tedious task to install each one again.

Just copy the content of the library folder (C:\Program Files\R\R-3.5.1\library) to the new location (without overwriting content) and then run this command in your R console

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