How to prevent my app from crashing when numericInput is empty

I have a very simple Shiny app that is working. The user enters a value on box 1 and then in box 2 and then hits 'run'.
However, when the user hits backspace in one of the two numericInput cells until nothing is entered, the app crashes.
How could I prevent it from crashing? Thank you very much!

Here is my code:


ui <- fluidPage(
  actionButton("run", label = "Run calculations!"),
  # Input 1
  numericInput("inNumber1", label = "Input number 1", 
           value = 100, min = 10, max = 200, step = 10),
  # Message that shows up if the value of inNumber1 is outside the allowed range:
  hidden(h5("Enter a value between 10 and 200!",
        id = "message1",
        style = "font-weight:bold;color:orange;")),

  # Message that shows up if the value of inNumber1 is outside the allowed range:
hidden(h5("Enter a value between 10 and the value of Input number 1!",
        id = "message2",
        style = "font-weight:bold;color:orange;")),


server <- function(input, output, session) {

  # Input 2 - dependent on Input 1
   observeEvent(input$inNumber1, {

    # Is input$inNumber1 outside the allowed range?
if (input$inNumber1 < 10 | input$inNumber1 > 200) {
} else {
output$inNumber2 <- renderUI({
  if (is.null(input$inNumber1)) return(NULL)
  numericInput("inNumber2", label = "Input number 2", 
               value = 100, min = 10, max = input$inNumber1, step = 10)

 observeEvent(input$inNumber2, {

# Is input$inNumber2 outside the allowed range?
if (input$inNumber2 < 10 | input$inNumber2 > input$inNumber1) {
} else {


observeEvent(input$run, {

# Check Input 1:
number1 <- input$inNumber1
if (number1 < 10 | number1 > 200) {
  warning1 <- "Input 1 must be between 10 and 200"
} else {warning1 <- renderText({NULL})}

output$out1 <- renderText({number1})

number2 <- input$inNumber2  # value 2
maxnumber2 <- input$inNumber1
if (number2 > maxnumber2) {
  # warning(paste0("number2 must be lower than ", maxnumber2))
  number2 <- maxnumber2
output$out2 <- renderText({number2})


shinyApp(ui, server)
req(input$inNumber1, input$inNumber2)

A small correction: req(input$inNumber1) goes into the first observeEvent and req(input$inNumber1, input$inNumber2) goes into the second. Thank you very much!