How to rpart.plot for testing data set ?

Hello All,
I am building decision tree with normal steps:

1. Split the data:

split <- policy %>%
  initial_split(prop = 0.80, strata = Lapsed)
train <- training(policy_split)
test <- testing(policy_split)
folds <- vfold_cv(train, strata = Lapsed)

2. Build Decision Tree model

tree_spec <- decision_tree() %>%
  set_engine("rpart") %>% 
tree_wf <- workflow() %>%
  add_recipe(pol_rec) %>%

tree_fit <- fit_resamples(
    resamples = folds,
    metrics = metric_set(accuracy,roc_auc,sens, spec),
    control = control_resamples(save_pred = TRUE))

3. Final model with last_fit()

fn_metrics <- metric_set(roc_auc, accuracy, sens, spec)
# Decision Tree
tree_final <- last_fit(
  split = split,
  metrics = fn_metrics

My question is "How I can plot the final Decision Tree for testing data set ?" instead of training data as below code:

tree_final %>%
  extract_fit_engine() %>%
  rpart.plot::rpart.plot(type = 4, extra = 2,
                         roundint = FALSE)

Thank you for your help.
Tam Pham

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