how to set up profiles in renv

how do i set up a profile for renv when i have a project template?

I am looking to install on init remote repos eg

Config/renv/profiles/myprofile/dependencies: rstudio/shiny, tidyverse/tidyverse

i dont quite follow this explanation in the vignette:

Profile-specific package dependencies can be declared within the project’s top-level DESCRIPTION file.

  • what does a DESC file for a project look like?
  • is there a full example somewhere of a DESC file and an renv init that I can see somewhere?

I tried looking in the unit tests of renv but those all write the DESC files within the context of the test temporarily.

Can you elaborate a bit more on what you're trying to accomplish?

The DESCRIPTION file just needs to be a "regular" DCF file, of the form Key: Value. The only thing renv cares about is whether the associated Config/renv/profiles entry exists.

You can "select" a particular profile by setting the RENV_PROFILE environment variable, or explicitly by using e.g. renv::activate(profile = "<profile>"). (This writes a file renv/profile containing the profile name, which is then read and used by new R sessions on startup -- basically a way of setting the "default" profile in a project)

i am creating projects from a template using the RS IDE. i have been initializing renv as part of the template, but renv is running into problems when a package is a repo and not a CRAN lib. I thought i could use a profile to tell renv that there are project deps that it needs to install on the init.

some followup questions:

  • where do i need to put the dcf?
  • does it have to be a specific name?
  • what else can go in that dcf other than Config/renv/...? (now i'm intrigued :slight_smile: )

are the steps?:

  1. create dcf file in the project root dir (called DESCRIPTION)
  2. append line to DESCRIPTION
  • Config/renv/profiles/myprofile/dependencies: rstudio/shiny, tidyverse/tidyverse
  1. renv:init(profile = 'myprofile')
  2. renv::activate(profile = 'myprofile')

after this the directory structure would be

  • root
    • .Rprofile
    • renv

ah... it picks up the DESCRIPTION file on init, but has problems with remote repos

Config/renv/profiles/trial/dependencies: r-lib/devtools

* Initializing project ...
* Discovering package dependencies ... Done!
* Copying packages into the cache ... Done!
* Resolving missing dependencies  ... 
Installing progress [1.2.2] ...
	OK [linked cache]
The following package(s) were not installed successfully:

	[r]: package 'r' is not available

You may need to manually download and install these packages.

The following package(s) will be updated in the lockfile:

# CRAN ===============================
- askpass       [1.1 -> *]
- brew          [1.0-6 -> *]
- brio          [1.1.3 -> *]
- cachem        [1.0.6 -> *]
- callr         [3.7.0 -> *]
- commonmark    [1.7 -> *]
- credentials   [1.3.2 -> *]
- curl          [4.3.2 -> *]
- desc          [1.4.0 -> *]
- devtools      [2.4.3 -> *]
- diffobj       [0.3.5 -> *]
- evaluate      [0.14 -> *]
- fastmap       [1.1.0 -> *]
- fs            [1.5.2 -> *]
- gert          [1.5.0 -> *]
- gh            [1.3.0 -> *]
- gitcreds      [0.1.1 -> *]
- highr         [0.9 -> *]
- httr          [1.4.2 -> *]
- ini           [0.3.1 -> *]
- jsonlite      [1.7.2 -> *]
- knitr         [1.37 -> *]
- memoise       [2.0.1 -> *]
- mime          [0.12 -> *]
- openssl       [1.4.6 -> *]
- pkgbuild      [1.3.1 -> *]
- pkgload       [1.2.4 -> *]
- praise        [1.0.0 -> *]
- processx      [3.5.2 -> *]
- ps            [1.6.0 -> *]
- rappdirs      [0.3.3 -> *]
- rcmdcheck     [1.4.0 -> *]
- rematch2      [2.1.2 -> *]
- remotes       [2.4.2 -> *]
- roxygen2      [7.1.2 -> *]
- rprojroot     [2.0.2 -> *]
- rstudioapi    [0.13 -> *]
- rversions     [2.1.1 -> *]
- sessioninfo   [1.2.2 -> *]
- sys           [3.4 -> *]
- testthat      [3.1.1 -> *]
- usethis       [2.1.5 -> *]
- waldo         [0.3.1 -> *]
- whisker       [0.4 -> *]
- xfun          [0.29 -> *]
- xml2          [1.3.3 -> *]
- xopen         [1.0.0 -> *]
- yaml          [2.2.1 -> *]
- zip           [2.2.0 -> *]

* Lockfile written to 'C:/projects/newtest/renv/profiles/trial/renv.lock'.

Restarting R session...

* (trial) Project 'C:/projects/newtest' loaded. [renv 0.14.0]

it looks like it is not splitting on comma as is written in the comments in the script

I'll move this to an issue on the renv repo

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