How to use plotlyProxy() in shiny app with ggplotly() to make plots render faster

First posted here on SO:plotlyProxy() with ggplotly in shiny
but haven't received any answers that help with my problem... I hope someone here can help!

Sample Data:

df<-structure(list(stdate = structure(c(17694, 14581, 14162, 14222, 
    17368, 16134, 17414, 13572, 17613, 15903, 14019, 12457, 15424, 
    13802, 12655, 14019, 16143, 17191, 13903, 12362, 12929, 13557, 
    16758, 13025, 15493, 16674, 15959, 15190, 16386, 11515, 12640, 
    15295, 15664, 15145, 17077, 14914, 14395, 14992, 13271, 12730
    ), class = "Date"), sttime = structure(c(35460, 42360, 32880, 
    30600, 26760, 45000, 36000, 32700, 39000, 35460, 34200, 28800, 
    26400, 33900, 39600, 29280, 34500, 28920, 31320, 34800, 37800, 
    42000, 34560, 27000, 35280, 37800, 36000, 32940, 30240, 42900, 
    28800, 35100, 35400, 39600, 30420, 41100, 34500, 32040, 37800, 
    36000), class = c("hms", "difftime"), units = "secs"), locid = c("BTMUA-SB1", 
    "BTMUA-INTAKE", "BTMUA-SA", "USGS-01394500", "BTMUA-NA", "USGS-01367785", 
    "NJDEP_BFBM-01411461", "BTMUA-SD", "NJDEP_BFBM-01443293", "BTMUA-SL", 
    "USGS-01396660", "USGS-01390400", "BTMUA-SA", "21NJDEP1-01407670", 
    "USGS-01477440", "BTMUA-NA", "BTMUA-SA", "BTMUA-SE", "BTMUA-SA", 
    "USGS-01405340", "USGS-01444990", "BTMUA-SG", "BTMUA-SB1", "USGS-01467359", 
    "BTMUA-SA", "USGS-01382000", "USGS-01412800", "BTMUA-NA", "BTMUA-SI", 
    "31DRBCSP-DRBCNJ0036", "21NJDEP1-01410230", "USGS-01465861", 
    "BTMUA-NF", "USGS-01445210", "BTMUA-NA", "USGS-01464020", "BTMUA-SL", 
    "BTMUA-SA", "USGS-01382500", "USGS-01408598"), charnam = c("Total dissolved solids", 
    "Total dissolved solids", "Total dissolved solids", "Total dissolved solids", 
    "Total dissolved solids", "Total dissolved solids", "Total dissolved solids", 
    "Total dissolved solids", "Total dissolved solids", "Total dissolved solids", 
    "Total dissolved solids", "Total dissolved solids", "Total dissolved solids", 
    "Total dissolved solids", "Total dissolved solids", "Total dissolved solids", 
    "Total dissolved solids", "Total dissolved solids", "Total dissolved solids", 
    "Total dissolved solids", "Total dissolved solids", "Total dissolved solids", 
    "Total dissolved solids", "Total dissolved solids", "Total dissolved solids", 
    "Total dissolved solids", "Total dissolved solids", "Total dissolved solids", 
    "Total dissolved solids", "Total dissolved solids", "Total dissolved solids", 
    "Total dissolved solids", "Total dissolved solids", "Total dissolved solids", 
    "Total dissolved solids", "Total dissolved solids", "Total dissolved solids", 
    "Total dissolved solids", "Total dissolved solids", "Total dissolved solids"
    ), val = c(126, 84, 97, 392, 185, 157, 62, 149.4, 274, 60, 134, 
    516, 121, 144, 143, 99, 154, 120, 96, 99, 278, 96.2, 135, 101, 
    110, 460, 147, 117, 102, 250, 75, 121, 129, 242, 172, 279, 51, 
    205, 88, 38), valunit = c("mg/l", "mg/l", "mg/l", "mg/l", "mg/l", 
    "mg/l", "mg/l", "mg/l", "mg/l", "mg/l", "mg/l", "mg/l", "mg/l", 
    "mg/l", "mg/l", "mg/l", "mg/l", "mg/l", "mg/l", "mg/l", "mg/l", 
    "mg/l", "mg/l", "mg/l", "mg/l", "mg/l", "mg/l", "mg/l", "mg/l", 
    "mg/l", "mg/l", "mg/l", "mg/l", "mg/l", "mg/l", "mg/l", "mg/l", 
    "mg/l", "mg/l", "mg/l"), HUC14 = c("02040301030050", "02040301040020", 
    "02040301030050", "02030104050040", "02040301020050", "02020007020030", 
    "02040206130020", "02040301030050", "02040105040040", "02040301030010", 
    "02030105020030", "02030103140040", "02040301030050", "02030104090040", 
    "02040202160010", "02040301020050", "02040301030050", "02040301030040", 
    "02040301030050", "02030105140020", "02040105070040", "02040301030040", 
    "02040301030050", "02040202120010", "02040301030050", "02030103040010", 
    "02040206080040", "02040301020050", "02040301030030", "02040105050050", 
    "02040301200110", "02040202060040", "02040301020020", "02040105080020", 
    "02040301020050", "02040105240060", "02040301030010", "02040301030050", 
    "02030103050060", "02040301080050"), WMA = c("13", "13", "13", 
    "7", "13", "2", "17", "13", "1", "13", "8", "4", "13", "12", 
    "18", "13", "13", "13", "13", "9", "1", "13", "13", "18", "13", 
    "6", "17", "13", "13", "1", "14", "19", "13", "1", "13", "11", 
    "13", "13", "3", "13"), year = c(2018L, 2009L, 2008L, 2008L, 
    2017L, 2014L, 2017L, 2007L, 2018L, 2013L, 2008L, 2004L, 2012L, 
    2007L, 2004L, 2008L, 2014L, 2017L, 2008L, 2003L, 2005L, 2007L, 
    2015L, 2005L, 2012L, 2015L, 2013L, 2011L, 2014L, 2001L, 2004L, 
    2011L, 2012L, 2011L, 2016L, 2010L, 2009L, 2011L, 2006L, 2004L
    )), .Names = c("stdate", "sttime", "locid", "charnam", "val", 
    "valunit", "HUC14", "WMA", "year"), row.names = c(NA, -40L), class = c("tbl_df", 
    "tbl", "data.frame"))

    header<-dashboardHeader(title="test app")
    sidebar<-dashboardSidebar(selectInput("huc","Please Select HUC14:",choices=df$HUC14,selected = df$HUC14))
    body<- dashboardBody(plotlyOutput("plot"))

    ui<- dashboardPage(header = header,
                       sidebar = sidebar,
                       body = body)
server<- function(input,output,session) {

      filter(HUC14 == input$huc)

    ggplot(df_reac(), aes(x = year, y = val)) +
      geom_point(aes(color="Discrete"),size=3) +
      geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 500,color="Freshwater Aquatic Life Criteria\nfor TDS = 500 mg/L"),size=1.3)+
      xlab("Year") + ylab(" TDS Concentration (mg/L)")})




The data I'm actually using is over 300,000 observations and the app is a lot more complex.. but I will use this to keep it short and sweet. I hope this is enough for a reproducible example.. if not please let me know!

Looks like you got a good response on SO --

Just FYI, I'm working on updating the plotly for R book and there will be a section about plotlyProxy()

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