httr POST to batch paste into an API

Hi! My first post here.

Im trying to paste multiple vin numbers into the nthsa API. Im later using this code inside of a shiny app.

My working solution looks like this:


vins <- c('4JGCB5HE1CA138466','4JGCB5HE1CA138466','4JGCB5HE1CA138466','4JGCB5HE1CA138466','4JGCB5HE1CA138466','4JGCB5HE1CA138466','4JGCB5HE1CA138466','4JGCB5HE1CA138466','4JGCB5HE1CA138466','4JGCB5HE1CA138466','4JGCB5HE1CA138466',)

for (i in vins){

json  <- fromJSON(paste0('',i,'?format=json'))



This solution is very slow. I tried pbapply, same thing because it pastes one vin at a time.

There is a batch paste option that i just cant figure out. Can someone please assist.

Here is my code so far:

headers = c(
  `Content-Type` = 'application/json'

data = '[{"data":"4JGCB5HE1CA138466;4JGCB5HE1CA138466;4JGCB5HE1CA138466;4JGCB5HE1CA138466"}]'

httr::POST(url = '', httr::add_headers(.headers=headers), body = data)

I am getting status code 200 but server code 500 with no data.

The vin numbers string has to be in the following format: vin;vin;vin;vin;

here is the link: (the last one)

her, they also provide instructions for other languages:

Thanks in advance.


I added purrr to the list of libraries because it's really great for working with lists like the one that the NHTSA API returns.

Here is our "list" of VINS

vins <- rep("4JGCB5HE1CA138466", 3)

It took some trial and error, but from looking at the examples the NHTSA provided in other languages, such as JavaScript, I was able to piece together that the body of the message should be a JSON object with entries for format = "json" and data to hold the VINs concatenated into a single string separated by ;. Note that httr will automatically convert lists to JSON for us.

The final detail was realizing that the NHTSA API wanted the POST body encoded as a form, requiring the encode = "form".

I also added verbose() so that httr prints information about the request. It can be helpful during debugging.

r <- httr::POST(
  url = "",
  body = list(
    format = "json",
    data = paste(vins, collapse = ";")
  encode = "form",

results <- httr::content(r)

httr automatically converts the returned JSON into an R list. Here we can see that the NHTSA API returns a JSON object with four top-level entries.

str(results, max.level = 1)
#> List of 4
#>  $ Count         : int 3
#>  $ Message       : chr "Results returned successfully. NOTE: Any missing decoded values should be interpreted as NHTSA does not have da"| __truncated__
#>  $ SearchCriteria: chr ""
#>  $ Results       :List of 3

The individual VIN results are returned in .$Results, and here I show just the first 10 entries with text of the first result...

results$Results[[1]] %>%
  purrr::keep(~ . != "") %>%
  .[1:10] %>%
#> List of 10
#>  $ AirBagLocFront          : chr "1st Row (Driver & Passenger)"
#>  $ AirBagLocSide           : chr "1st & 2nd & 3rd Rows"
#>  $ BodyClass               : chr "Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV)/Multi Purpose Vehicle (MPV)"
#>  $ DisplacementCC          : chr "3500.0"
#>  $ DisplacementCI          : chr "213.58310433156"
#>  $ DisplacementL           : chr "3.5"
#>  $ Doors                   : chr "4"
#>  $ DriveType               : chr "AWD/All Wheel Drive"
#>  $ EngineConfiguration     : chr "V-Shaped"
#>  $ EngineCylinders         : chr "6"

Amazing! You saved my life. Thank you!

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