Hugo Extended / TOCSS error when building Google Docsy theme

When running the following code I receive the following error, after running the checks and correcting any TODO's:

blogdown::new_site(theme = "google/docsy")


Launching the server via the command:
C:/Users/bpp/AppData/Roaming/Hugo/0.90.1/hugo.exe server --bind -p 4321 --themesDir themes -t docsy -D -F --navigateToChanged
Error: Error building site: TOCSS: failed to transform "scss/main.scss" (text/x-scss): SCSS processing failed: file "stdin", line 6, col 1: File to import not found or unreadable: ../vendor/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.

I also tried running the following, since this theme requires Hugo Extended, but the same error still occurs:

blogdown::install_hugo(extended = TRUE, force = TRUE)

This occurs for me on both blogdown v1.6 from CRAN and the current development version from Github.

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