Identify 1st touch point and the ones after it

Dear all,

Thank you in advance for you help.
Could you please help me to solve this questions ?

I have the following dataset.
What I need is identify all the lines for each visitors_id where the 1st touch point is "Y" and only all their visits AFTER this touch point.
Example :
-for visitor B output will be lines 14 (1st touch point with Y),5,6
-for visitor D output will be lines 8 (1st touch point with Y) and 10. Lines 11 and 3 won't be in the output as they were before the 1st touch point with channel Y (line 8)

Hope I'm clear.

Below the dataset sample I have used.

sample_data <- data.frame(date = sample(c("date1","date2","date3"), 15, replace = TRUE),
                          visitor_id = sample(c("A","B","C","D"), 15, replace = TRUE),
                          channel = sample(c("X", "Y", "Z"), 15, replace = TRUE))

Hi @balthordu. You can find the position of the first touch of "Y" by match and remove the row and row before it. Hope the code can help.


sample_data <- data.frame(date = sample(c("date1","date2","date3"), 15, replace = TRUE),
                          visitor_id = sample(c("A","B","C","D"), 15, replace = TRUE),
                          channel = sample(c("X", "Y", "Z"), 15, replace = TRUE))

#>     date visitor_id channel
#> 1  date1          A       Z
#> 2  date1          B       X
#> 3  date3          D       Z
#> 4  date3          D       Z
#> 5  date3          B       Z
#> 6  date1          C       X
#> 7  date1          A       Y
#> 8  date2          D       Z
#> 9  date3          A       Y
#> 10 date1          C       Z
#> 11 date3          A       Z
#> 12 date3          C       Y
#> 13 date3          C       Y
#> 14 date3          C       X
#> 15 date3          A       X

sample_data %>%
  arrange(date) %>%
  group_by(visitor_id) %>%
  nest() %>%
  mutate(firstMatch = map_dbl(data, ~{match("Y", .x$channel)})) %>%
  filter(! %>%
  mutate(data = map2(data, firstMatch, ~{.x[-(1:.y),]})) %>%
  select(-firstMatch) %>%
#> # A tibble: 5 x 3
#> # Groups:   visitor_id [4]
#>   visitor_id date  channel
#>   <fct>      <fct> <fct>  
#> 1 A          date3 Y      
#> 2 A          date3 Z      
#> 3 A          date3 X      
#> 4 C          date3 Y      
#> 5 C          date3 X

Created on 2019-10-23 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

Hi @raytong

Thanks a lot for your help.

It's is almost working - I say almost because your logic remove the 1st order with channel "Y" in your output :slight_smile:

You can find the position of the first touch of "Y" by match and remove the row and row before it. Hope the code can help.

I don't want to remove the row, only the rows before it.

In your sample, I should see this as well as an example
date1 A Y

@balthordu. You can change the code to keep the row of the first touch of "Y" and the row after it.


sample_data <- data.frame(date = sample(c("date1","date2","date3"), 15, replace = TRUE),
                         visitor_id = sample(c("A","B","C","D"), 15, replace = TRUE),
                         channel = sample(c("X", "Y", "Z"), 15, replace = TRUE))

#>     date visitor_id channel
#> 1  date3          D       X
#> 2  date1          B       Z
#> 3  date2          B       X
#> 4  date3          B       Z
#> 5  date3          C       X
#> 6  date3          C       Y
#> 7  date2          D       Z
#> 8  date1          C       X
#> 9  date1          A       Z
#> 10 date2          D       Z
#> 11 date1          D       Y
#> 12 date1          B       Z
#> 13 date1          C       Y
#> 14 date1          A       X
#> 15 date3          D       Z

sample_data %>%
 arrange(date) %>%
 group_by(visitor_id) %>%
 nest() %>%
 mutate(firstMatch = map_dbl(data, ~{match("Y", .x$channel)})) %>%
 filter(! %>%
 mutate(data = map2(data, firstMatch, ~{.x[(.y:nrow(.x)),]})) %>%
 select(-firstMatch) %>%
#> # A tibble: 8 x 3
#> # Groups:   visitor_id [4]
#>   visitor_id date  channel
#>   <fct>      <fct> <fct>  
#> 1 C          date1 Y      
#> 2 C          date3 X      
#> 3 C          date3 Y      
#> 4 D          date1 Y      
#> 5 D          date2 Z      
#> 6 D          date2 Z      
#> 7 D          date3 X      
#> 8 D          date3 Z

Created on 2019-10-23 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

Hi @raytong

Sorry for the late reply - this helps a lot.
Thanks so much !

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