I'm using full join to vertically join 4 data frames and I'm getting an unexpected symbol error message

PUF2018_100819_FJ <- full_join(PUF2018_100819, PUF2017_100918, PUF2016_022818, PUF2015_021518, by = "Complete_Dataset") print(PUF2018_100819_FJ)
Error: unexpected symbol in "PUF2018_100819_FJ <- full_join(PUF2018_100819, PUF2017_100918, PUF2016_022818, PUF2015_021518, by = "Complete_Dataset") print"

Assuming you are talking about dplyr::full_join(), you can only join two dataframes at a time.

If you need more specific help, please provide a proper REPRoducible EXample (reprex) illustrating your issue.

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