in Shiny, how can I rename the column name in table (extracted from excel file) in the dashboard

The used data, my request is the ui & server codes to replace each brand name in the column names with its logo using automatically.To ultimately get results exactly as the attached image
codes :

server <- function(input, output,session)
{output$mytable = DT::renderDataTable({

ui <- basicPage(


I made a dummy example to show you how it can be done, and you can adapt it to your full dataset.


ui <- fluidPage(

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  #Get the list of manufacturer names and the link to the logo file 
    #File path can be online link or local image in www folder
  logoList = list(opel = "<img height='50' src=''></img>",
                  kia = "<img height='50' src=''></img>",
                  bmw = "<img height='50' src=''></img>")
  #Create fake data (make sure the Manufacturer names match those in the logoList)
  myData = reactiveVal(data.frame(Manufacturer = c("kia", "opel", "bmw", "opel"),
                      nCars = c(15, 85, 34, 16), stringsAsFactors = F))
  output$myTable = renderDataTable({
    #Swap the Manufacturer name for the image link
    myData = myData()
    myData$Manufacturer = unlist(logoList[myData$Manufacturer])
    #Plot the table, make sure escape is false to interpret the string as HTML
    datatable(myData, escape = FALSE)

shinyApp(ui, server)

I must say I didn't know this was possible until I found a related post I modified to fit your example, so the credit is to this person really...

Hope this helps,

Thanks for your time and effort @pieterjanvc '
when I Change the data line source from
myData = reactiveVal(data.frame(Manufacturer = c("kia", "opel", "bmw", "opel"),
nCars = c(15, 85, 34, 16), stringsAsFactors = F))
myData = reactiveVal(data.frame(Manufacturer = testmatrix))

#as the dataset name is "testmatrix"

no logos appear just normal table with only text.

bear with me, could you help me with example using excel file, just like my case ?
Thanks again, I am sorry for bothering you but I m beginner.

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