Include R code in Plumber API Deployed at Digital Ocean

I have figured out how to build an API end point using plumberDeploy at Digital Ocean. This example works as expected

#* Return the sum of two numbers
#* @param a The first number to add
#* @param b The second number to add
#* @get /sum
function(a, b) {
  as.numeric(a) + as.numeric(b) 

This example does not work as expected

#* Return the sum of two numbers
#* @param a The first number to add
#* @param b The second number to add
#* @get /sum
function(a, b) {

myAdd <- function(x,y){
	x + y

How can I have custom functions that work inside the API endpoint? This is a toy example, my real world scenario has many other functions that do not live in an R package and I do not want to build a package.

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