installation from source: open suse tumbleweed: cmake: boost_atomic_FOUND to FALSE

I tried to install RStudio v1.1.463 from source but I failed. I created a build file and run the cmake .. -DRSTUDIO_TARGET=Desktop -DRSTUDIO_PACKAGE_BUILD=1 command.

Do I have to modify the /usr/lib64/cmake/boost_atomic-1.71.0/ files, and how to I do it?

Blockquote The following variants have been tried and rejected:

Blockquote * (shared, Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS=ON)

I found [linux - Package "boost_atomic" NOT FOUND when running CMake - Stack Overflow] but not sure how to change it to static libraries.

thanks for any detailed help.

Do you have any better luck using an older version of Boost? RStudio v1.1.463 was built with Boost 1.63.0.

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