Installing Packages with proxy issue


In my rstudio-connect.gcfg file I have

HTTPProxy = http://my_proxy_name:8099/
HTTPSProxy = https://my_proxy_name:8099/

In my rprofile I have:

          http_proxy  = "http://my_proxy_name:8099/",
          HTTP_PROXY  = "http://my_proxy_name:8099/",
          https_proxy = "https://my_proxy_name:8099/",
          HTTPS_PROXY = "https://my_proxy_name:8099/"

But I get this error when trying to install package -

[Connect] 2020/08/31 16:24:14.718508090 Additional data:
[Connect] RepositoryURL: 'my_custom_artifactory_repo'
[Connect] Package: 'custom_package_name'
[Connect] PackageVersion: '1.0.0'
[Connect] Packages.HTTPProxy: ''
[Connect] Packages.HTTPSProxy: ''
[Connect] Found in the following log entry:
[Connect]  Warning: unable to access index for repository my_custom_artifactory_repo:

This values are blank -

[Connect] Packages.HTTPProxy: ''
[Connect] Packages.HTTPSProxy: ''

I can install the package manually if I just open up R on the server rstudio-connect is on and install it. Rstudio-connect is using the same version of R that I use when I open up R manually on the server. I know this because -

RVersionScanning = false
RVersion = /opt/R/3.6.2

What am I doing wrong?

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