Installing xelatex on CentOS 7 x64 -

[Note - not sure I'm asking in the right spot. If there's a better place, just point me at it. :slight_smile:]

I'm trying out bookdown for creating some in-depth documentation for an OSS project. I've installed it (on CentOS 7 x64) and everything seems function, except PDF generation.

Reading the docs, it seems like I need to install "xelatex" for the PDF generation to work.

That tells me I need to uninstall my existing Latex distribution... but when testing if that's feasible, it seems the texlive packages were installed when I installed R::

$ sudo yum remove <long list of texlive-* packages>
Dependencies Resolved
 Package              Arch    Version                Repository  Size
 texlive-ae           noarch  2:svn15878.1.4-43.el7  @base      443 k
 texlive-algorithms   noarch  2:svn15878.0.1-43.el7  @base       12 k
Removing for dependencies:
 R                    x86_64  3.5.2-2.el7            @epel      0.0  
 R-core               x86_64  3.5.2-2.el7            @epel       85 M
 R-core-devel         x86_64  3.5.2-2.el7            @epel      372 k
 R-devel              x86_64  3.5.2-2.el7            @epel      0.0  
 texinfo-tex          x86_64  5.1-5.el7              @base      436 k

Transaction Summary
Remove  212 Packages (+5 Dependent packages)

Anyone have suggestions on the right way to resolve this?

As a semi-related question, the issues area in the bookdown GitHub repo is filled with ignored users seeking help / unanswered questions. Is bookdown not a good choice for documentation, and I should pick some other documentation approach instead? (sphinx/Read the Docs?)

Aha, looks like the PDF renderer is set by the latex_engine variable in _output.yml.

After changing that from the default of xelatex to pdflatex, PDF rendering seems to be working.

Sorry for the noise all. :smile:

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