Instructions to be Listed on the Consultants and Trainers Directory

Consultant and Trainer Directory

A growing number of people provide training and consulting services related to R, RStudio, applied statistics, predictive modeling, and data science generally. We would love for the Consultant and Trainer Directory to be a good place for these people to connect with those in need of their services.

At Consultant and instructor directory - Posit Community;

  • Trainers and consultants may list their services.
  • Firms and users may search the directory for the services they need.
  • Consultants may promote their offerings via community involvement on and elsewhere.

Getting Listed on the Consultant and Trainer Directory

  1. Set-up an RStudio community profile.
    1.1 Community user fields
    1.2 About Me
    1.3 About Me Template
    1.4 About Me Instructions
    1.5 Getting Notifications
  2. Contact the Community Organizer.

1. Set Up a Community Profile.

If you haven’t signed-up yet, do so here Posit Community

RStudio Community Profiles are owned by individuals, not firms. Please do not create a profile under your firm's name. Instead, create one under your name and list your firm in the company field. Each individual at your firm is free to create their own profile.

Special Instructions for your Profile - All trainer-consultants must ensure their community profile is filled out in a way the group-directory can make sense of, and display consistently. See details below.
Failure to set-up your profile given these instructions may remove you from the list.

Questions or Comments? - please contact @Economicurtis or

1.1 Community User Fields

Be sure to fill out the following user fields in your community profile. You can adjust the following fields at the domain:

  1. Your profile image. Ensure you have some image of yourself other than the letter+color default combo. Preferably an image of yourself. Logos, cartoons, etc. are permitted.
  2. Your name
  3. Name of your company (may be empty)
  4. Website (may be empty)
  5. Location:
    • This may be used in search, so include country and region.
  6. Language(s): List the languages that you are able to consult in.
    • For example, English, Korean, German.
    • By language, we do not mean programming languages like R, Python, C++.

1.2 About Me

You may edit your profile "About me" information at the following URL:

About me template

Use this template for your profile's about me section.

<!-- Short description -->

- <!-- Classes_offered (List only classes for which you can offer a curriculum.) -->
- <!-- Do you deliver trainings over the web? -->
- <!-- Are you willing to travel to give a training? If so, where are you willing to travel to? -->
- <!-- What size groups do you train?I offer web-based training and am also willing to travel to your office for on-site instruction. --> 

- **Consulting Service 1**, description...

**Availability**: <!-- Notes about your availability, such as how far in advance you would like clients to contact you. -->

**Please contact me via's private message to start a conversation**


 <!-- Long form description -->

About me instructions

In your discourse profile, under "About Me", please follow the following format.

  1. A Short Description (250 characters or less)

This description will appear “above the fold” on the directory. Something similar to below.

  1. Training: In paragraph or bullet form, explain the training services you offer related to R.

    1. List only classes for which you can offer a curriculum.
    2. Do you deliver trainings over the web?
    3. Are you willing to travel to give a training? If so, where are you willing to travel to?
    4. What size groups do you train?
  2. Services: In paragraph or bullet form, List any consulting services you offer

    • If you provide consulting services on how to build and improve interactive web apps with Shiny and R, please mention it.
    • If you provide consulting services on how to install and deploy apps with a Shiny Server (Pro) and RStudio Connect (R-Admin), please mention it.
    • Similarly for consulting related to machine learning.
    • Similarly for consulting related to applied statistics.
  3. Availability: Notes about your availability, such as how far in advance you would like clients to contact you.

  4. Contact - Please do not list direct contact information on your profile.
    Request people contact you via community-personal-message.

    (listing your website on community is okay)

    1. Ask all initial contacts to go through's private messaging system.
    2. Do this after the Availability section and before the long-form description, include the line "Please contact me via private message to start a conversation"
    3. This is important for us to gauge demand and assess how well the directory is at helping match users with consultants and trainers.
    4. Be aware that messages may be monitored.
  5. Longer description may follow the contact section.

  6. User Followup & Ratings. Be aware that we may follow up with users that view your profile and start a conversation to help assess the quality of the directory. This may take the form of a request to rate their engagement with you.

Be aware that failing to do this may lead to your removal from the community directory of consultants and trainers.

Example About Me - See detailed instructions in About me instructions

The user is based on the text:

Based in The Sea, Jacque's Stats Shack offers training and consulting for R, development of Shiny applications, and the deployment and administration of R data science workflows in organizations large and small.

- Jacque has curricula on introduction to R, R for Oceanographers and Climatologists, and Shiny app development.
- I offer web-based training and am also willing to travel to your office for on-site instruction.
- Typical class sizes are between 5 and 30 students.

- **Shiny**, Jacque has developed numerous shiny applications for clients.
- **R-Admin**, R in production, at scale, and in complex environments.

**Availability**: I am willing to travel and also offer remote training options. My typical class size is 1 to 30 students. I am also available for short and long-term consulting engagements.&rdquo;

**Please contact me via's private message to start a conversation**


"The sea [of data], once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever."

1.5 Getting Notifications

You may change your email and notification settings in your profile;

Email settings: Double check that you are set-up to receive emails under the checkbox "Send me an email when someone messages me".

Mobile Alerts - is run on discourse. Discourse has a mobile app (iOS and Android) that may be used to send you mobile notifications of Direct Messages.

2. Contact The Community Organizer.

Once you have set-up your community profile, contact the community organizer at or via community at @EconomiCurtis and request to be added to the directory.

Or click the “Request+” button on the trainer-consultants directory page.

The approval process may take a few business days.