irrelevant y axis name on ggplot


If i dont use "position=dodge" i 'm getting the actual values of no_of_rides., when use "postion=dodge" the y axis values appear like this "0e+00,2e+05". How should i rectify this?

 total_rides_v2 %>% mutate(weekday=wday(total_rides_v2$started_at,label = TRUE)) %>% group_by(member_casual,weekday) %>% summarise(no_of_rides=n(),average_duration=mean(ride_length))%>% arrange(member_casual,weekday) %>% ggplot(aes(x=weekday,y=no_of_rides,fill=member_casual))+geom_col(position = "dodge")

I don't know what you mean by irrelevant names, but if you want the number format to be changed from scientific to something else, then use the scales library and pick your preferred format:
Function reference • scales (

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 total_rides_v2 %>% 
mutate(weekday=wday(total_rides_v2$started_at,label = TRUE)) %>% 
group_by(member_casual,weekday) %>% 
arrange(member_casual,weekday) %>% 

geom_col(position = "dodge")+
scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x) format(x, scientific = FALSE)) #Try this?
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Or try this?

scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::comma)
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