is it possible to generate a 3D bar chart in r

could you please help me how to generate the 3D plot something as below

dat <- tibble::tribble(
  ~subject, ~response, ~duration,
  '1', 10, 20,
  '2', -7, 30,
  '3', 5, 20,
  '4', 7, 50,
  '5', -5, 40

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Yes, although a different style is more usual.

dat <- tibble::tribble(
  ~subject, ~response, ~duration,
  '1', 10, 20,
  '2', -7, 30,
  '3', 5, 20,
  '4', 7, 50,
  '5', -5, 40)
dat$cluster <- factor(kmeans(dat,3)$cluster)
dat$subject <- as.factor(dat$subject)
p <- plotly::plot_ly(dat, x=~subject, y=~response, 
             z=~duration, color=~cluster) |>

Drag the object Plotly 3D demonstration

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