Is there a way to add a horizontal line to a plotly bargraph that is using the cross-talk package?

I am trying to add a horizontal line to each state based on each state's unique Murder rate. Here is my attempted code. Unfortunately, I am not open to using other functions like Shiny because essentially I would like to create an html output from R markdown for my job :slight_smile:

Here is my code.Essentially,I created a drop-down select menu so when you select on each state, the Assault, UrbanPop, Rape, and Murder values would automatically change based on the state selected.

At the moment, I created a horizontal line using the murder rate of Alabama (13.2) but I would like to create one based on each state ( ex: Alaska, Murder = 10).

I am also having trouble aligning the text to the top of the line on the right. Any help would be appreciated!


arrests = rownames_to_column(USArrests, var = "state")

alabama <- arrests %>% filter(state == "Alabama")

arrests <- melt(arrests, id.vars=c("state"))

arrests <- arrests[order(arrests$value),]
# Round 'value' field to 1 decimal
arrests <- arrests %>% mutate(value = round(value, 1))

sd1 <- SharedData$new(arrests, key = ~ state)

hline <- function(y = 0, color = "black") {
    type = "line",
    x0 = 0,
    x1 = 1,
    xref = "paper",
    y0 = y,
    y1 = y,
    line = list(color = color),
    text = "12"

  widths = 7, 
   filter_select("state",  ## this is the name of column we want to select. 
                "State:", # this is what we want to see in the selection menu
                ~ state, multiple = FALSE),

 plot_ly(sd1) %>%
      add_trace(x = ~ variable, y = ~ value, type = "bar", color = I("yellow"), 
                marker = list(line = list(color = "black", width =1)) ## add order t
                ) %>%
     layout(barmode = "stack",
             xaxis = list(title = 'Column',
                          categoryorder = "total descending"),
            yaxis = list(title = ''),
             width = 600,
            paper_bgcolor = "#FFFFFF",
             plot_bgcolor = "#FFFFFF",
            font = list(
              family = "Rubik",
              size = 12,
              color = '#8E8C8F'
            hoverlabel = list(align = "right"),
            shapes = list(hline(alabama$Murder))
  %>% add_text(
    showlegend = FALSE, x = 0,  y = alabama$Murder,
            text = paste0("Murder Rate: ",round(alabama$Murder, 1))

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