Issue with batches submitted

We trying to connect to Salesforce using RStudio and running one script. In Salesforce query is getting executed I can see number records correctly extracted in Salesforce Backend JOB but it is giving following error in RStudio. Can some one help.

"Issue with batches submitted"

We are using following script:








Set working directory to pick raw data from and to paste the final summary docs.

username <- "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”

password <- "*****"

instanceURL <- ""

session <- rforcecom.login(username, password, instanceURL)

soqlQuery_email <- paste("SELECT RMC_EmailStatus__c,RMC_EmailMessageOpened__c,Times_Opened__c,eRep__r.Zone__c,eRep__r.Area__c,eRep__r.Name,eRep__r.HQ__c,Customer__r.Name,Customer__r.Customer_Code__c,SendDateTime__c FROM RMC_EmailActivity__c",sep="")

emailActivity <- rforcecom.bulkQuery(session, soqlQuery_email, object = 'RMC_EmailActivity__c',interval_seconds=5,max_attempts=1, verbose=FALSE)

Rajesh Bandekar

It will be difficult for a typical forum user to help you as I doubt too many have Salesforce systems to integrate with, so this impacts both how much experience/wisdom is out there but also makes it hard for enthusiasts to have a go and experiment with solutions.
In general my advice is that you should always provide a reprex of any technical issue requiring support. You haven't been explicit even about what R package(s) you use...

Having run your error into Google search, there aren't many hits, perhaps review whether this issue is similar to yours, if not perhaps raise an issue similarly. (Its something of a guess that this github issue tracker relates to the package you are attempting to use)

On a side note, the RStudio IDE doesn't implement any database connections perse, it only provides some integration in the form of a GUI to manage the connections so unless this issue has to do with the GUI (which I think is not), it is not RStudio IDE related and it would be better if you specify the package that implements the connection, the driver, and the specific code you are using (also you might want to change the category of your topic).

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