knitr is giving an error message

Code I have been using for years has failed. See below. Could code below cause this error? I routinely use

knitr::purl(input = "stone.7b.Rmd", 
            output ="stone.7b.R")

 #knitr::spin(input = "stone.7b.R", 
 #            output ="stone.7b.Rmd")

error msg 1 *****************************************************************************
Error in parse(text = code, keep.source = FALSE) :
:1:32: unexpected '}'
1: alist( echo=FALSE,include=FALSE}

error msg 2 *****************************************************************************
processing file: stone.7b.Rmd
(*) NOTE: I saw chunk options "echo=FALSE,include=FALSE}"
please go to Options - Chunk options and package options - Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
(it is likely that you forgot to quote "character" options)
Error in parse(text = code, keep.source = FALSE) :
:1:32: unexpected '}'
1: alist( echo=FALSE,include=FALSE}
Calls: ... parse_params -> withCallingHandlers -> eval -> parse_only -> parse
Execution halted

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