Kubernetes Plugin error

While deploying RStudio-Workbench in Kubernetes cluster using a Helm chart, I am getting following error.
01 Jun 2021 10:12:21 [rstudio-kubernetes-launcher] ERROR asio.ssl error 337047686 (certificate verify failed); OCCURRED AT void rstudio::core::http::TcpIpAsyncClientSsl::handleHandshake(const rstudio_boost::system::error_code&) src/cpp/job_launcher/impls/kubernetes/KubernetesApi.cpp:192; LOGGED FROM: int rstudio::job_launcher::impls::entry_point::run(rstudio_boost::shared_ptrrstudio::job_launcher::impls::ApiBase,

How to fix the below error in Helmchart
ERROR asio.ssl error 337047686 (certificate verify failed)

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